I was trying to make sure I understood your specific objections to the way MML3 was being developed. I'm not trying to be an asshole and put words in your mouth, I'm trying sincerely to accurately reproduce your sentiments. If I were making a strawman, I'd go on to attack them.
The process being pursued precluded taking risks.
Am I reading you right?
I am asking you if those statements capture, in any way, what you're trying to communicate to me.
I am reading your posts. I am trying to understand your opinions instead of mischaracterizing them in a half-assed way (as is my wont) and repeating verbatim what you've written only proves I can copy and paste.
I actually didn't go to the devroom past voting for the new femme co-star, so I have no idea why it started looking awful. Enumerating these perceived failings (in the most talking time insulting way possible) would be appreciated.
I was hoping that your interest waned at some point
after I stopped reading, so that I could get some insights about what upset you about what you'd read. At first, I didn't realize what upset you about it was more fundamental than the decisions that were being made by fans or the comments by the bloggers so I did not understand why you pointed to it as an example for statements like...
Really it's the fact that it had nothing at all to DO with the series except for a handful of cursory details.
The thing is, it wasn't MML anymore, just a cash cow cleverly disguised to appease an age-old complaint from fanboys.
Maybe I'm exposing some severe naivete here or too willfully ignoring that the developer in question is Capcom patron saint of annual development cycles, but they somehow managed to produce MML.
I don't see design-by-committee or fan input as a development death knell. It's not an engine designed to suck the soul and creativity out of art. Surely it ruins some art and demands compromise in art and Inafune's departure shortly after the announcement of his baby are pretty damning, but I'd thought you would have a moment where you realized, "Oh right!" And I want to place that epiphany and its cause(s) into a timeline. Because...
Outside of that you can draw your own conclusions about how these events went down.
If I try to do this without hearing more my conclusions won't be accurate to your sentiments and for some reason understanding you is important.