I seem to recall
Dan Carlin once saying that Ron Paul and Dennis Kucinich were, independent of their platforms and positions, the only American politicians who could be trusted to do what they said they would do, and I'm not particularly inclined to disagree.
So, what's worse? A politician with lofty, progressive, make-the-world-a-better-place stated goals who can't be trusted to take any action towards those goals, or a politician with bizzaro-world super-regressive/crazyland political goals who can be absolutely trusted to take action towards those goals?
He's a bit of a "the devil you know", really.
He has a nice personality
Well, that doesn't count for much in politics; I, of course, hate George W. Bush's political legacy, positions, actions, etc., but I'd love to go to a baseball game with him some time, because based on everything I know about the man, he's a pretty cool guy.