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Author Topic: User Interfaces and Add-ons  (Read 6131 times)

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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #20 on: January 10, 2011, 12:12:14 PM »

Also the answer to almost every single, "But I want this on my baaar but it is totally useleessssss," whine is Opie.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #21 on: January 10, 2011, 02:16:01 PM »

I can't find a good unit frames thing that is simple, includes portraits for self and target, and is configurable but does not require a goddamn degree in rocket science to set up


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #22 on: January 10, 2011, 06:12:15 PM »

I can't find a good unit frames thing that is simple, includes portraits for self and target, and is configurable but does not require a goddamn degree in rocket science to set up
i'm not sure if 'simple' refers to the frames themselves or the method of configuring, but if the former, stuf and shadowed both qualify. shadowed is easier to configure, stuf allows a little more customisation. steer clear of pitbull, as you probably know. if neither of those float your boat, but you are willing to spend a lot of time checking different setups, download oUF and any one of the million layouts on curse/wowi. it's fairly likely that one of them will be close to what you're looking for.

as for curse/wowi, i just use wowi out of long-running habit.

finally, yes, the most important part of your UI is Opie.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #23 on: January 10, 2011, 06:33:28 PM »

oh man shadowedui looks exactly like the raid frames i used to use and love but those were causing absolutely horrendous framerate problems the last time i tried them so i totally need to get those.

Anyway thanks for the feedback!  I need to actually get a day where I give a shit enough to tweak things around, but for now, I will point out that the frames I'm using are Healbot for whack-a-mole.  I've got Healing Wave on left click, Riptide on middle click, Healing Surge on right click, and Earth Shield on my thumb button.  Shift+Left Click is Greater Healing Wave, Shift+Right Click is my dispel, and Shift+thumb is Unleash Elements, which I pretty much always use to boost GHW anyway so I just keep holding shift.  Healing Rain I leave hotkeyed on 2 because it is awkward to use with Healbot since it's AoE targeted.  This does make me a CLICKER but I have found it to basically work exactly how I need at all time, letting me keep control with my WASD hand and easily swap in what I need per fight in my 1-5 (generally wind shear / hex / bind elementals / healthstones, w/e) while my targeting clicks also do exactly what I need them to do in the first place without needing to hit anything else.  It has been basically aces for me.

I also like using Elkano's Buff Bars because I can set up a buff window right in the center of my view that only shows me, say, when my Heartsong procs or how many stacks I am rolling on my trinket, and how long I have to refresh whatever needs refreshing.

my cluttered habits will die with me though, clenched in my godless hands.
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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #24 on: January 10, 2011, 07:52:44 PM »

Click casting is pretty much the way to go for healing.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #25 on: January 10, 2011, 11:30:35 PM »

My personal scheme. I don't use the middle mouse button on this character, due to my still thinking I have the shitty Draenei hot bound to it. (Don't knock that hot)

As for my UI preferences, xPerl, oneBag, Clique + Grid for any ability that targets friendlies, and CTmailmod (for quality of life) and CTbarmod (to make out buttons that are out of range red instead of grey). I've never found anything wrong with the default UI. It's plenty elegant, always updated, and is quickly fixed of any bugs. The unit frames are terrible though, but xPerl fills in that slot nicely.

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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #26 on: January 10, 2011, 11:58:36 PM »

I've never found anything wrong with the default UI. It's plenty elegant, always updated, and is quickly fixed of any bugs. The unit frames are terrible though, but xPerl fills in that slot nicely.

The default UI trains you to have personal and target frames at the top of your screen. It's otherwise improved a lot, but we only got raid frames that aren't a complete joke from the healer's end like.. in the second year of Wrath.

You could also shrink all that button space you're using to at least 1/2 the same size with tactful trimming or a mild scale adjustment(100% to 90%.)

Stupid buff theory has been explained in spades.

And to this date, the fucking gryphons.

OK those are the neutral grudges leveled against the UI in general, let's move on to being an elitist for kicks.

You have your personal frame in the upper left corner of the screen because when you want to know what your HP totals are or if you're low on mana, you want to spend an extra second craning your neck up so you can't see a boss' gimmick rocketing towards you or an enemy player invoking a critical spell. I assume your target frame is also poorly placed at the top of the screen for all the same reasons, especially if you have to maintain DoTs(Flame Shock counts!)

You have your character portrait and in a full 3d mode too, so you can waste system resources to always know what your cool goggles look like because you do not have time to stand still and rotate your camera to zoom in. You also have a Shaman class icon in case you forget that the Riptide you just threw wasn't actually a lifebloom.

You have hotkey button space dedicated to.. Astral Recall, a health stone you do not possess, and most of your professions, including first aid. The mind boggles.

Again, default buff notes: you have a bunch of space dedicated to letting you know that you have 40 minutes left on Arcane Intellect, or that you're wearing your Dragonmaw tabard. This is important because you have a cheese mold for a brain and cannot actually remember things.

You have fishing hot-keyed, but not your 4-totem burst. Priorities, man.

And you have a bag bar displayed because presumably you are proud of the motley collection you have there and it gives you pride to see it wasting space like that.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #27 on: January 11, 2011, 09:00:02 AM »

Heres our current raid leaders UI which I've taken bits and pieces from.

Here is the glorious trainwreck of a raid leaders UI in raid.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #28 on: January 11, 2011, 09:11:51 AM »

I've never found anything wrong with the default UI. It's plenty elegant, always updated, and is quickly fixed of any bugs. The unit frames are terrible though, but xPerl fills in that slot nicely.

The default UI trains you to have personal and target frames at the top of your screen. It's otherwise improved a lot, but we only got raid frames that aren't a complete joke from the healer's end like.. in the second year of Wrath.

You could also shrink all that button space you're using to at least 1/2 the same size with tactful trimming or a mild scale adjustment(100% to 90%.)

Stupid buff theory has been explained in spades.

OK those are the neutral grudges leveled against the UI in general, let's move on to being an elitist for kicks.

You have your personal frame in the upper left corner of the screen because when you want to know what your HP totals are or if you're low on mana, you want to spend an extra second craning your neck up so you can't see a boss' gimmick rocketing towards you or an enemy player invoking a critical spell. I assume your target frame is also poorly placed at the top of the screen for all the same reasons, especially if you have to maintain DoTs(Flame Shock counts!)

You have your character portrait and in a full 3d mode too, so you can waste system resources to always know what your cool goggles look like because you do not have time to stand still and rotate your camera to zoom in. You also have a Shaman class icon in case you forget that the Riptide you just threw wasn't actually a lifebloom.

You have hotkey button space dedicated to.. Astral Recall, a health stone you do not possess, and most of your professions, including first aid. The mind boggles.

Again, default buff notes: you have a bunch of space dedicated to letting you know that you have 40 minutes left on Arcane Intellect, or that you're wearing your Dragonmaw tabard. This is important because you have a cheese mold for a brain and cannot actually remember things.

You have fishing hot-keyed, but not your 4-totem burst. Priorities, man.

And you have a bag bar displayed because presumably you are proud of the motley collection you have there and it gives you pride to see it wasting space like that.
With a consistent 50 FPS I have no need to worry about system resources. I've tried moving the target and personal frames lower many times, both as a rogue and a healing class, and it never works out. I never have to crane my neck, it's a simple glance to the up and to the right instead of down. I've pulled 2000ish in Season 7, so let's assume it doesn't impede me too much.

I have consolidate buffs turned off, due to preference. I simply like to know everything, especially if that dumb paladin pug left on Crusader Aura.

And I do most certainly do not have any professions keybound, are you crazy? I most certainly do have Call of Fire (the 4 totem drop) set, it's Control + Mwheeldown, it's between Stoneclaw and Fire Nova. Fishing is where it is, and on a terrible, useless for combat keybind so I can hammer it mindlessly until the bait drops in the guppy pool. If you can think of a more appropriate spell for a bind that's three keys away from my index finger, by all means. And DAMN STRAIGHT I have bandages keybound. It's saved lives and my mana on Cho'Gall, Conclave, and Chimaeron at least. Bandages are especially powerful this expansion.

Do you actually go through your bags for your hearth? Icky. I also can't see the point of not having a bag bar, since I'd have to click to manage my inventory, I might as well click to open it. Anything I must have immediately available is on the bars.
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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #29 on: January 11, 2011, 11:59:29 AM »

You have Engineering, First Aid and Smelting on the right side of your screen, I wasn't talking about actual bandages. Of course you keep those buttoned, agreed.

I don't go through my bags for anything. I hit Shift-B and my hearthstone hasn't changed position... ever.

I didn't mean system resources either, I meant Energy/Focus/Mana/etc.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #30 on: January 11, 2011, 01:36:03 PM »

It costs you mana to look at your portrait?
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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #31 on: January 11, 2011, 02:33:27 PM »

Because I am not terrible:


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #32 on: January 11, 2011, 03:30:49 PM »

It costs you mana to look at your portrait?

I'm a Rogue, this boss has a mandatory interrupt segment, I need to know I have 15-25-whatever-it-is-now energy pooled in anticipation of it, not for him to start casting it after I mash my rotation down to 0 energy and to hope that 1-2 seconds "isn't a big deal" whoops the tank ate 100k burst.

I'm a Death Knight tank, I want to cap my Rune power 10 seconds before the big-fuck-you-tank gimmick so I can Lichborne and heal myself with every coil I can squeeze.

I'm a Warrior, I want to know when my rage caps for Inner Rage or whatever.

I'm a Healer, I want to know when to cycle my mana-restore cooldown that gives about 25% of my mana back when I hit 75% mana so that the cooldown comes up in the second half of the fight.

I'm a DPS, I want to know when the boss is at 25% so that casting Shadow Word Death is a DPS gain instead of a DPS loss or when I can backstab or execute or soul-burn rotation or whatever.

If you are using the default UI you may have the god-awful "percentages/values don't show until you mouse-over me" setting. And if your frames aren't in a place that works for you, you're wasting a second to look for them. If you combine them, you're one of those cool dudes who takes 3 seconds to hover and find out, maybe. Now it's not that you can't play the game this way, mind you. It's just theory on being more efficient or having more screen-space because you remove unnecessary information and hot-keys.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #33 on: January 11, 2011, 04:04:22 PM »

I agree about the importance of positioning; I just took issue with this exchange:

You have your character portrait and in a full 3d mode too, so you can waste system resources to always know what your cool goggles look like
With a consistent 50 FPS I have no need to worry about system resources.
I didn't mean system resources either, I meant Energy/Focus/Mana/etc.
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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #34 on: January 11, 2011, 04:22:49 PM »

Oh, right.

Overstated and confused on my end I guess, but it's still silly to have a little block to remind you what your character looks like. And it is just an extra redundant model being rendered if you use the 3-D model view most frame add-ons have.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #35 on: January 11, 2011, 04:45:47 PM »

Agreed, then.

Getting back to the topic: I'd be interested in hearing just what Norn's using currently.

Just looking at my Curse list, I've got:

AtlasLoot Enhanced
CurseProfiler 2.0
DeadlyBossMods (vanilla & deluxe)
Ingela's Rapture
Shadowed Unit Frames
Tidy Plates
Titan Panel

As long as I'm stealth-editing this thread long after anybody cares, I might as well just upload the entirety of my wow-projects.rtf:

Crown of the Twilight Queen - Sinestra / Bastion of Twilight Heroic
Wyrmbreaker's Amulet - Halfus Wyrmbreaker / Bastion of Twilight Heroic
Mercurial Shoulderwraps - Heroic T11 Token / T11 Raid Dungeons Heroic
Shroud of Endless Grief - Sinestra / Bastion of Twilight Heroic
Mercurial Vestment - Heroic T11 Token / T11 Raid Dungeons Heroic
Bracers of the Dark Mother - Sinestra / Bastion of Twilight Heroic
Brackish Gloves - Chimaeron / Blackwing Descent Heroic
Belt of Arcane Storms - Maloriak / Blackwing Descent Heroic
Mercurial Leggings - Heroic T11 Token / T11 Raid Dungeons Heroic
Einhorn's Galoshes - Chimaeron / Blackwing Descent Heroic
Security Measure Alpha - Omnotron Defense System / Blackwing Descent Heroic
Signet of the Fifth Circle - Cho'gall / Bastion of Twilight Heroic
Chelley's Staff of Dark Mending - World Drop
 -> Twilight's Hammer - Cho'gall / Bastion of Twilight Heroic
 -> Book of Binding Will - Halfus Wyrmbreaker / Bastion of Twilight Heroic
Finkle's Mixer Upper - Chimaeron / Blackwing Descent Heroic
Tendrils of Burrowing Dark 316 - Ozruk / The Stonecore Normal
(Witching Hourglass 308)

1. Mastery - reforge to Haste first, then Spirit until 17% hit, then Crit
2. Spirit, Hit, and Crit - reforge to Haste first, then spirit until 17%, then Crit
3. Haste - never reforge this stat

Your aim with reforging should be to have the most haste possible and secondly to reach as close to your hit cap (17%) as possible without being over. It's ok to be a little under the hit cap as long as you've maxed out your haste.

* * *

Canonica: Works conforming to a general rule or accepted procedure   Paladin
Apocrypha: Writings or statements of dubious authenticity      Priest (Apocrypha)
Esoterica: Works of special, rare, or unusual interest         Rogue (Esoterica)
Martia: Works of, relating to, or suited for war or a warrior         Warrior
Typica: Works conforming to a type               Mage
Viscera: Internal organs                     Death Knight
Diabolica: Works characteristic of the devil            Warlock (Cryptica)
Carna: Worldly works                     Druid
Actua: Works based on fact                  Shaman
Ambigua                        Hunter

druid, mage
Tracking Achievement:
/script AddTrackedAchievement(2336)
/script _=GetAchievementLink(2336);print('Shift click to link:', _)

Steamwheedle Rep:
1) Turn in Cloth to each of the goblin cities to get back to neutral.
2) Start the new Booty Bay quest chain in STV which incorporates Booty Bay phasing.
3) ***Spoilers***
The quest chain eventually leads to Booty Bay being attacked by the Bloodsail.
Do NOT turn in "Bloodsail's End" quest
This will end the phasing.
4) Kill the Bloodail Pirates on board the phased ship in Booty Bay. They spawn repeatedly as much as 1000 rep per 15 minutes for me.
5) Finish up any missing rep if needed killing Pirates in Tanaris, east of Caverns of Time.

I've found 3 good places to farm mobs for Steamwheedle Cartel rep. (Booty Bay, Gadgetzan, Rachet, and Everlook). Killing these mobs WILL NOT decrease your rep with the Bloodsail Bucconeers. From what I know, there are no mobs that yeild more rep for Everlook than the other SWC reps.. but there are for Booty Bay, Gadgetzan, and Rachet.
Northern Stranglethorn - Venture Co. Base Camp, is the best place to farm Booty Bay rep. The mobs you're looking for are the Venture Co. goblins; Geologist, Lumberjack, Mechanic, Workboss and the Venture Co. robots; Shredder
The rep these mobs reward are; 5 - Booty Bay, 3 - Gadgetzan, 3 - Rachet, 3 - Everlook
Tanaris - on the coast by Caverns of Time, is the best place to farm Gadgetzan rep. The mobs you're looking for are the Southsea Pirates; Pirate, Swashbuckler, Swabbie, Taskmaster, Strongarm, Musketeer
The rep these mobs reward are; 3 - Booty Bay, 5 - Gadgetzan, 3 - Rachet, 3 - Everlook
There's also a rare mob Andre Firebeard whom yeilds; 13 - Booty Bay, 25 - Gadgetzan, 13 - Rachet, 13 - Everlook
Northern Barrens - on Fray Island, is the best place to farm Rachet rep. The mobs you're looking for are the Southsea Pirates; Privateer, Recruit, Cutthroat, Cannoneer
The rep these mobs reward are; 3 - Booty Bay, 3 - Gadgetzan, 5 - Rachet, 3 - Everlook
There's also a mob(not rare - actually spawns within a minute or two) Cap'n Garvey whom yeilds; 13 - Booty Bay, 13 - Gadgetzan, 25 - Rachet, 13 - Everlook
Please note that the mobs stop yeilding rep at 11,999/12,000 honored. So, say you were grinding rep for Booty Bay, killing the Venture Co. mobs.. they would stop yeilding rep for Booty Bay (only) - at 11,999/12,000 honored. The mobs would still yeild rep for Gadgetzan, Rachet, and Everlook. After hiting 11,999/12,000 honored with Booty Bay.. you would then have to kill the mobs at another location (Tanaris or Fray Island) and gain the "spill over" rep. The same applies with Gadgetzan and Rachet.

First you do the cloth turn-ins, IN THIS ORDER : Everlook, Ratchet, Booty Bay, Gadgetzan.
You can switch the last two if you want, depending on where you want to spend more time farming pirates. The reason you do Everlook and Ratchet first, is so that you get the max possible spillover rep from the other turn-ins, since there are no pirates in Winterspring, and the pirates in Ratchet are horrible.
Once you've done all of the turn-in quests, start farming the pirates near Caverns of Time in Tanaris until you're at 11,999/12,000 with Gadgetzan. After this grind I was at:
Ratchet - 9549/12,000
Everlook - 8178/21,000
Booty Bay- 4231/12,000
Gadgetzan - 11999/12,000
Next go to the two ships that are close to each other near Booty Bay. Kill the named NPC's that give around 27 or 28 rep with Booty Bay and 17 to the others until you're at 11,999 with Booty Bay. The mobs on one ship should respawn while you're on the other ship, just keep going back and forth. After this grind I was at:
Ratchet - 2557/21,000
Everlook - 12,930/21,000
Booty Bay - 11,999/12,000
Gadgetzan - 4751/21,000
Next do all of the quests in Booty Bay and any other quests that give rep with Steamwheedle. I used wowhead to find all of them, some are really spread out but it's better than killing more pirates.
Once you're done with all the quests you should be close to halfway revered with all of the goblins, and Everlook should be closest to exalted. After this just go back to killing pirates in Tanaris, and if you want you can use the phased pirate ship that attacks Booty Bay if you didn't turn in the last quest.
All of this was done with the lvl 12 reputation perk from my guild. Good luck

Ravenholdt Rep:
I found a nice place for farming the heavy junkboxes needed for Ravenholdt reputation.
There is a place in blasted lands called Nethergarde Mine. Inside there is lots of mobs which you can pickpocket to get heavy junkboxes. There is 2 main routes you can go. By the time you've finished both routes the first routes mobs is ready to be pickpocketed again. I farmed all my junkboxes for ravenholdt exalted there over a weekend.

The best place I've found to raise your Ravenholdt rep. by killing mobs is in Arathi Highlands at Stormgarde Keep. These mobs only reward rep until 11999/12000 honored, at which point you must quest.

The mobs you're looking for are the Syndicate; Conjuror, Magus, Prowler
They reward 5 rep towards Ravenholdt each.

Once you've reached 11999/12000 honored and the mobs no longer reward rep, there's a quest you have to do - Junkboxes Needed. The quest is repeatable and requires you to hand-in 5 Heavy Junkbox (a pick pocketed item). Each hand-in rewards 75 rep with Ravenholdt and a low level throwing weapon, Dusksteel Throwing Knife which is soulbound and vendors for 1g 32s 53c's a unique item, which means you must vendor it or destroy it in order to complete another hand-in.

Here's some math..

it's 21,000 rep to go from 11,999/12,000 Honored to Exalted, about 1400 lockboxes, less as human and/or with guild perk. And BRS is hardly the best place to pickpocket since Cata.
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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #36 on: January 11, 2011, 06:44:10 PM »

Presumably nothing, as he has quit the game.

I suppose I could not be a total jackass, though, and repost:

Rico touched on this above and a lot of people are really bad at it: having things set to the same font/bar texture is really important for a nice-looking UI. I use a pixelfont for all unit frames and unit-framey things like cast bars, nameplates and combat text because it's easy to read on them and the numbers are (generally) monospaced. Chat log uses a different font, as does tooltip. Almost everything uses the same texture. You can't see it in this screenshot but the pixelfont I use punishes people who put accent marks in their name because it can't display them, so their names render all fucked up.

Unit/target frames are in the center of the screen because they're fucking important, you WotLK-spoiled plebians. I don't display my own name/level/race/class on my player frame because I'm not a moron, just hp/mana text. Stuf uses the default holy power frame, detached and movable, and it looks a touch out of place but I've grown to like it. Debuffs are on the left side of my frame, while a very small set of buffs are on the bottom left (things like Righteous Fury or Divine Shield). Long term class buffs like Fort or Might aren't shown at all.

Target frame is mostly mirrored, except the target's name is displayed, and underneath it is ToT. A limitation of Stuf means I have to leave the mana bar in the ToT frame; generally this is not relevant information, but it's a minor quibble.

Cast bars are located above player/target frames. I'm still iterating a bit on these; things like orientation of target cast (should be reversed to match unit frame orientation, but not sure I like it) and color (probably going to be brighter) but the size is not really a problem if you are looking where you should (center).

Above playerframe is clcbpt, a very simple Judgements of the Pure/Beacon of Light tracker.

Grid is nothing special. Larger frames than I've run in the past to give me more room to work with indicators. And having mana bars on Grid might be useful in Cata but is stupid now, so you shouldn't do it.

MSBT uses the same pixelfont that my frames do, though I've moved the incoming/outgoing to the sides a bit because the default settings are highly claustrophobic. Icons and extended skill names are turned off. Skill cooldown notifications are left on because they're useful from time to time, though I may end up turning them off still.

Skill bars on the bottom are there because they are the best overall display of ability information: a cooldown monitor gives you cooldowns but not range/mana limitations, et cetera.

A simple LDB broker is below that, with (left-to-right) mail indicator (I almost never check the minimap), durability, FPS (kind of useless, probably disabling), latency (very important to have a headsup on my connection about to shit itself), UI memory (also kind of useless, really), local/server time, and dungeon finder icon.

Not pictured: OPie, the best addon.

tts gay

I'm running TipTop, which adds just enough to the tooltip without being absurd like CowTip or TipTac. For reference, mod(s) + texture + font

Unit frames: Stuf + savant2 + Marken
Raid frames: Grid + savant2 + Marken
Chat frame: Chatter + Calibri
Combat text: MikScrollingBattleText + Marken
Action bars: Dominos + OmniCC + tullaRange + ButtonFacade + NotCaith (BF skin)
Cast bars: Gnosis + savant2 + Marken
Minimap: Chinchilla
Buff frames: Satrina Buff Frames + NotCaith + Marken
Boss mods (lol): BigWigs
Tooltip: Tiptop + savant2 + Newcastledemi
Threat meter: Omen3 + savant2 + Marken
DPS meters: Skada + savant2 + Marken
Nameplates: headline + savant2 + Marken
LDB Broker: StatBlockCore + picoFPS + tekability + Broker_Timear + Broker_GotMail + Latency + LDB_DungeonFinder + FuturaMediumBT (font)

Other: OPie (Secret of Mana action bar mod, BIS addon), butsu + teksloot (loot frames), clcbpt (simple JotP/beacon monitor), ColorTools + Align (UI prettification)


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #37 on: January 12, 2011, 06:42:29 AM »

I have portraits enabled so that my player frame can properly stare down my target frame like it's a turnbased RPG

I don't have animated portraits enabled because sometimes, the designers have to substitute icons for the portraits of creatures that are made out of not-creature stuff like spell effects. Like Nespirah or L'ghorek with their brain icon. And 3D Portraits don't respect the substitute icons and it's blank and that makes me sad.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #38 on: January 12, 2011, 12:23:20 PM »

I have portraits enabled so that my player frame can properly stare down my target frame like it's a turnbased RPG

I am going to award you a medal for producing the first valid reason, as small as it is, to do this thing.


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Re: User Interfaces and Add-ons
« Reply #39 on: January 29, 2011, 07:41:37 AM »

You're a wonderful forum, and I'mma let you finish, but Envy has one of the most amazing UIs of all time.
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