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Author Topic: The Party of the Century  (Read 66994 times)

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #160 on: March 26, 2011, 01:53:25 AM »

G, I am pretty sure you are playing your "high context" game. Which by my reckoning has screwed us as many times as it as saved us.

I won't say it's stupid and wrong, because I do recall a particularly tragic game when your bullshit completely removed you from suspicion and won you the game. But that was when you were a badguy! I'm not terribly excited about taking you seriously.

Niku is probably not a wolf, but that says nothing about him being a vampire (or the weretiger am i rite lol niku).
It occurs to me that I wrote a little too strongly. I don't think Niku's cleared of suspicion, I just have a good enough feeling from him that I wouldn't vote for him (today).

Gonna think on this some more. I want to hear from Transportation, and Koah, and I feel like Envy, McDohl, angry beaver, and maybe some others are still keeping an awful low profile. I'll check in tonight or tomorrow with my thoughts and maybe a change in vote.

I maintain that low profiles are great for players with special roles of any stripe. So I want to hear more from them. Beaver's been coming out with a strong statement at least once a day though, so I don't know if he's keeping as low a profile as Envy or McDohl.

I don't think we can have compelling arguments for anyone in particular today. I know that a no lynch today is crazy but all I've been doing is setting aside players I don't want to lynch.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #161 on: March 26, 2011, 01:58:33 AM »

If we learn nothing else from Bongo Bill's death, I hope we all learned the importance of people with special roles buying some wolfsbane every day they can.

We've got 20 players: ~6 or 7 monsters, 7 special innocents, ~6 or 7 vanilla innocents. Let the vanillas bid on items and services. There is absolutely no good reason for a special innocent to be killed by werewolves.

I'm confused. Wolfsbane would only protect against a night kill from the Wolf team. Do you know something that we do not about Bongo's death?


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #162 on: March 26, 2011, 02:02:41 AM »

The vampires would most likely have turned him, not killed him.

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #163 on: March 26, 2011, 02:03:39 AM »

to be honest, i tl;dr'd most of that

the hypothesis seems to be that I know stuff I don't.


I'm still on Koah like stink on shit.

Vote you fucking pussies. All this wanking isn't giving us a vote record to work with.
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #164 on: March 26, 2011, 02:26:54 AM »

The fact that some people voted for Bongo is meaningless. There's no reasonable way the bads could have known he was the Seer on night 1. I suspect that he was, unfortunately, murdered simply on the basis of being first on the guest list, and the evildoers just got lucky. Bongo voting for Niku is similarly inadmissible, since the Seer doesn't get a Night 0 scry as far as I know.

I don't think Bongo was picked "entirely" by chance; when I've been a wolf in games past, I suggested night 1 targets in order to focus the next day's discussion on the people whom the target had voted for as well as the people voting for the target. I wasn't trying to suggest that Bongo had some sort of privileged information about Niku: I was just reiterating what I'd said earlier... although, looking over what I just posted, if they really were trying to misdirect us toward those three, I guess I'd be playing right into their hands by expressing a desire to scry one of them tonight.

Maybe I should stop trying to play when I've just gotten home from party night. See you guys tomorrow.

Warning - while you were typing 3 new replies have been posted. You may wish to review your post.

Oh, fuck.

I was just making assumptions based on my previous experiences in this crowd.

Situation 1: Innocent A starts a random vote against Innocent B, based on a die roll or the phase of the moon or whatever.  People pile on with little comment, and Innocent B hangs.  Day two, someone pipes up, "Hey, Innocent A wanted us to kill him!  Let's lynch his ass!"  And Innocent A hangs.

Situation 2: Innocent A starts an equally arbitrary vote against Werepire B.  People pile on with little comment, and Wolfpire B hangs.  Day two, everybody goes, "Well, I guess Innocent A is confirmed" (which is a bad assumption) and, what's worse, nobody had a history of defending or conversing with Wolfpire B.  We learn little.

Situation 2 is the best-case scenario, but you're not going to "gain information" like you so desire, you silly billies.

god damn it i hate to bring this up again but i feel unsatisfied

The HAMMER vote (killing vote) is the MOST important vote of ALL. Using that, we can determine most accurately in ENDGAME scenarios who is allied with whom. Do you see? That's why I didn't want to no-lynch. What do we know now? Nothing. Guess what? I investigated Bongo last night for Xg. I won, making all of yesterday USELESS to me other than the little thing I am on about with Koah and classic, whcih I'm only like 35% sure of anyway!

Done is done, but I am not changing my policy of disliking no-lynches based on this situation.

* G armcross harumph

It's interesting to note that 1: There was one death last night, meaning one of the teams probably got a new teammate, and 2: the PI is NOT greedy, of which I approve.

...huh. Looks like I missed most of page 7 while on my phone.

In review, Newbie's post 101 is the worst post ever! He's basically saying ALRIGHT SHUT UP STOP TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT AND JUST GO GO GO WHO CARES WHAT WE PICK which is what scum want above all. Fuck that. Anti inno points +2 but -1 because apparently most of the town agreed (though they could all have been hasty hasty scum making him look 'right' by agreeing). I realize a long day is painful. That doesn't make it bad for MY team.

Post 101 was Friend, not me. Gonna assume you meant 110 instead, which is pretty obvious now that I reread it because 110 more forgivingly matches up with the attitude you're ascribing to me.

I wish to contest that attitude. I very much cared who we picked, and was not impatient with the proceedings, but with your insistence that a lack of a lynch on day 1 meant we'd have no information. In fact, I feel your summary of the events of day 1 leaves out the obvious elephant in the room.

The following people voted for Bongo Bill yesterday:

A vote for the first voter is always a vote for a random voter. Bongo Bill.
Bongo Bill because he was the first to point at someone else.

You caught me. I'm the psychic fucking pre-seer, and I knew Bongo was the seer, and I voted him because I'm draculawolf, the wanking hitler jew.

Fuck you.

Additionally, as we all know, Bongo voted for Niku himself, before choosing to vote for no one.

What? So? There was no night 0.

I've always considered a wolf night-killing the same person he voted on during the day kind of an amateur move and obvious set-up, but I've also done exactly this myself because then I can argue that I'm being set up. Not saying we should vote for Guild or NexAdruin, but if I'd had Bongo's role, I'd be awfully inclined to look in their direction tonight just to be safe.

Who? What? Why?

Gonna think on this some more. I want to hear from Transportation, and Koah, and I feel like Envy, McDohl, angry beaver, and maybe some others are still keeping an awful low profile. I'll check in tonight or tomorrow with my thoughts and maybe a change in vote.

Nice post, volf.
I was just making assumptions based on my previous experiences in this crowd.

Situation 1: Innocent A starts a random vote against Innocent B, based on a die roll or the phase of the moon or whatever.  People pile on with little comment, and Innocent B hangs.  Day two, someone pipes up, "Hey, Innocent A wanted us to kill him!  Let's lynch his ass!"  And Innocent A hangs.

I'll vouch for this happening frequently. It's not always on turn one, and it doesn't always happen, but a common line that I see is, "OK, we'll lynch Kazz today. But if he's not a wolfpire, we'll go after the person who told us to kill Kazz." It's common sense to investigate the people who lynch an influential innocent. A common iteration of this situation has Innocent A claiming to have "a hunch" or "a good feeling," which turns out to be just that -- and wrong.

I'm open to convincing. I'm fairly sure Kazz is at least not anti-town, if that helps. I can't claim to be an expert on how Things Go 'Round Here.
mmm, depending on what Newbie says, i might switch to him

he thinks i'm the PI

:D :D :D :D :D :D :D


It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #165 on: March 26, 2011, 02:31:24 AM »

god damn it i hate to bring this up again but i feel unsatisfied

The HAMMER vote (killing vote) is the MOST important vote of ALL. Using that, we can determine most accurately in ENDGAME scenarios who is allied with whom. Do you see? That's why I didn't want to no-lynch. What do we know now? Nothing. Guess what? I investigated Bongo last night for Xg. I won, making all of yesterday USELESS to me other than the little thing I am on about with Koah and classic, whcih I'm only like 35% sure of anyway!

How do you figure? During VvW7, the day 1 hammer vote to lynch an innocent was cast by MarsDragon, an innocent. In VvW6, the day 1 hammer vote to lynch an innocent was cast by Kayma, another innocent. Both games were won by werewolves. In VvW5, Cerberus cast it, again to have an innocent killed, and he was also innocent, again resulting in werewolf victory. Do you see the pattern here.

Wanted to get that out there first. Responses to your responses to my statements coming next., user wall-e, over 30 games played

Your few examples pale in comparison to hard, hard lessons learned. Hammer vote is paramount, impIo.
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #166 on: March 26, 2011, 02:32:30 AM »

Quote from: Laser
Niku is probably not a wolf
what? wait what?
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #167 on: March 26, 2011, 02:34:36 AM »

From what I know about playing wolfpirefia games, when someone says "So and so is probably not evil", it's a huge tell.

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #168 on: March 26, 2011, 02:35:51 AM »

As much as I'm tempted to throw up my hands and vote for Guild and just go to bed

That's a strange statement. Why are you so tempted?
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #169 on: March 26, 2011, 02:39:53 AM »

if Guild's early vote for Bongo was so unimportant, then why did he allegedly hire the PI to investigate Bongo?

I investigated bongo because he made a classic seer tell :D and i'm not going to reveal what it was, but I wanted to be in the inno bloc :shows his butt to whomever asked: play a dozen games and you might catch onto it

I can even prove it! here:

I had this conversation with Guild via IRC private messages. Although his nick is different from what he usually goes by in #finalfight, his mask was the same, and further rationale for my certainty is included within.

I am sending it to you and copying it to Guild for recordkeeping purposes.

[14:50:39] <a_mysterious_stranger> Bongo, tell me you are a werewolf.
[14:50:59] <a_mysterious_stranger> Either that, or you are a seertype.
[14:52:05] <BongoBill> I know that's you, Guild. You've got the same IP address.
[14:52:35] <a_mysterious_stranger> Shh.
[14:52:38] <a_mysterious_stranger> Don't tell anyone.
[14:53:11] <a_mysterious_stranger> but i know i'm right don't worry i'm on YOUR side wink wink
[14:53:31] <BongoBill> I wasn't planning on it. Nor was I planning on telling you anything. I don't trust you even when I know you're on my side.
[14:53:49] <a_mysterious_stranger> that's a mistake you will learn to REGRET!
[14:53:52] a_mysterious_stranger whirls cape
[14:54:09] <a_mysterious_stranger> no jk i'm not dracula
[14:54:11] <BongoBill> If I regret it more than I already regret the alternative, I'll let youknow.
[14:54:34] <a_mysterious_stranger> how about this
[14:54:39] <a_mysterious_stranger> if you decide to take a chance
[14:54:43] <a_mysterious_stranger> tell me your role
[14:54:45] <a_mysterious_stranger> i will tell you mine
[14:54:52] <BongoBill> You know my style, Guild. I much prefer late-game shenanigans to early-game shenanigans.
[14:54:55] <a_mysterious_stranger> er,
[14:55:02] <a_mysterious_stranger> daww
[14:55:29] <BongoBill> Good luck with the others, though.
[14:57:37] <a_mysterious_stranger> there were no others
[14:57:41] <a_mysterious_stranger> that was my play for this round
[14:57:59] <a_mysterious_stranger> because... i also paid to have you investigated
[14:58:01] <a_mysterious_stranger> :D
[14:58:33] <BongoBill> Assuming, of course, the PI decides to hire you. Well, my door's always open. Things change very, very rapidly in Vampires vs Werewolves. Maybe I'll come around.
[14:58:40] <a_mysterious_stranger> you did BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH EDIT
[14:58:41] <BongoBill> Er. Decides to let you hire him.
[14:58:43] <a_mysterious_stranger> i paid good gold!
[14:58:46] <a_mysterious_stranger> he better!
[14:59:14] <a_mysterious_stranger> if you tell me now i can change it still hint hint
[14:59:45] <a_mysterious_stranger> hey wait can't we just use the PI to investigate everyone by planning it out publically in the thread
[15:00:32] <a_mysterious_stranger> like, at nights, PI and seer investigate, double scries, and if the TOWN AT LARGE is controlling the PI, it's good for the innos
[15:00:45] <a_mysterious_stranger> so we have to like take control publically of the PI
[15:01:31] <a_mysterious_stranger> i'm not making sense
[15:01:34] <a_mysterious_stranger> it's like a public trust
[15:02:00] <BongoBill> You're assuming the PI plays along, he doesn't get turned or think the town is a bunch of easily-duped morons.... You're making psychological assumptions that aren't necessarily valid.
[15:02:17] <a_mysterious_stranger> wait hear me out
[15:02:49] <a_mysterious_stranger> assuming, as we must, that the PI's allegiance is under question, isn't it better he be controlled by an impromptu public vote?
[15:03:41] <a_mysterious_stranger> then if the PI isn't playing ball, it's probably a wolf and we don't hrie him
[15:03:43] <a_mysterious_stranger> hire him
[15:03:46] <BongoBill> There's also the matter of how the PI chooses his employer and the results go to that person exclusively. Say we've got a friendly anonymous PI who agrees to go along with whoever the town decides they want dirt on.
[15:04:16] <BongoBill> He still has to have somebody hire him in order to carry out the investigation. He'll choose from among the people who offered to pay him to investigate the target person.
[15:04:31] <BongoBill> What happens if his client is not trustworthy?
[15:04:47] <a_mysterious_stranger> well then it's a good thing i'm winning the PI bid!
[15:05:02] <BongoBill> The PI is not obligated to choose the highest bidder.
[15:05:06] <a_mysterious_stranger> he can't hire himself
[15:05:12] <a_mysterious_stranger> yeah i know but
[15:05:17] <a_mysterious_stranger> a big chunk of change in round 1
[15:05:29] <a_mysterious_stranger> i figure it's a good way to not waste time at the AH
[15:05:43] <a_mysterious_stranger> since i don't think i could win any of those things
[15:07:14] <a_mysterious_stranger> if nobody else hires PI for max gold, i'm learning your role
[15:07:22] <BongoBill> Well, what's going to happen is you're going to propose this idea in the thread, and people are going to give various reasons, some better than others, why it's not as good an idea as letting the private investigator be truly private. You're going to try to browbeat some people into accepting it, and - I'm guessing - at least two people will vote for you out of frustration.
[15:07:22] <a_mysterious_stranger> i guess you can keep your role a secret by bidding PI
[15:07:32] <a_mysterious_stranger> no
[15:07:36] <BongoBill> You're assuming that the PI really wants your money.
[15:07:38] <a_mysterious_stranger> i'm going to talk to you in private about it
[15:07:42] <a_mysterious_stranger> well, yes
[15:07:51] <a_mysterious_stranger> that's the hampster wheel in my plot
[15:08:31] <a_mysterious_stranger> why wouldn't he want my money
[15:08:37] <a_mysterious_stranger> because i might be evil
[15:08:40] <a_mysterious_stranger> well
[15:08:45] <a_mysterious_stranger> fuck that role anyway
[15:08:55] <a_mysterious_stranger> the real money's in extortion
[15:09:06] <a_mysterious_stranger> so tell me or i will find out anyway
[15:09:16] a_mysterious_stranger points to two brutes with his gangster hat
[15:09:19] <BongoBill> You're acting on the assumption that the PI is going to see Guild, of all people, walk into his office in a dress that clings to him like cellophane, offer an exorbitant wad of cash, and not get suspicious.
[15:09:48] <a_mysterious_stranger> well... i tend to be pretty spontaneous regardless
[15:10:09] <a_mysterious_stranger> you are still engaging this conversation but not answering my question
[15:10:15] <a_mysterious_stranger> will you tell me your role or not?
[15:10:42] <BongoBill> Didn't I already tell you I wasn't? I'll gladly shoot the breeze but I'm just not ready for that kind of commitment.
[15:10:55] <a_mysterious_stranger> hm you and everyone
[15:11:09] <a_mysterious_stranger> welp ok let me try to come up with a better reason for you to spill it
[15:11:52] <a_mysterious_stranger> i may or may not have information that will help you out about my own role depending on if i believe you about yours
[15:11:57] <a_mysterious_stranger> no that's weak as hell
[15:12:00] <a_mysterious_stranger> i'll tell you if you tell me
[15:12:06] <a_mysterious_stranger> straight trade
[15:12:09] <a_mysterious_stranger> i keep my bux
[15:12:19] <a_mysterious_stranger> i'll even like give you some if i can work it... five bucks
[15:12:31] <BongoBill> Anyway, the way I see it, in the early game, the PI has a good reason to ignore the auction house. He's got one of the strongest powers in the game outside of the starting vampires, and the Thief's Glove is up for sale tonight.
[15:12:46] <BongoBill> Oh, also, another thing - this actually came up in a previous VvW game - you can't give golds to other players.
[15:12:51] <BongoBill> Only buying and selling.
[15:13:10] <a_mysterious_stranger> or stealing
[15:13:12] <BongoBill> It's to prevent factions from pooling their resources and cornering the auction house.
[15:13:15] <a_mysterious_stranger> wink wink wink
[15:15:03] <a_mysterious_stranger> man that is all the sauce you get for nothin
[15:15:09] <a_mysterious_stranger> you gotta play ball to get your ears scratched
[15:15:45] <BongoBill> Well, anyway. Friday wants all private communication copied to her. I'll go ahead and send this transcript and CC you, but you'll want to keep that in mind for anybody else you talk to.
[15:16:05] <a_mysterious_stranger> bongo, if people forgot what i said, i wouldn't say it
[15:16:24] <BongoBill> Just looking out for a first-timer.
[15:16:50] <a_mysterious_stranger> do ho ho let me know if you change your mind
[15:17:02] <BongoBill> Things change a lot. My door's always open.
[15:17:07] <a_mysterious_stranger> i know you're a power role though
[15:17:21] <BongoBill> Assuming you're right, that doesn't exactly narrow it down.
[15:17:27] <a_mysterious_stranger> it does
[15:17:56] <BongoBill> It's like, what, over half the players, plus anybody who thinks they have a plan?
[15:18:34] <a_mysterious_stranger> is it?
[15:20:03] <BongoBill> Pretty sure. Lots of assholes with options running around. I wonder, did you read any of the previous VvWs?
[15:20:32] <a_mysterious_stranger> nah i don't bother reading people i can't/didn't influence it's a bad read
[15:20:35] <a_mysterious_stranger> for me personally
[15:21:04] <a_mysterious_stranger> i'm more reactionary than intuitive
[15:22:23] <a_mysterious_stranger> but if you're speaking to role proliferation, i have a narrow list of what 'power role' means to me
[15:22:28] <a_mysterious_stranger> oracle, for example, is not a power role
[15:22:31] <a_mysterious_stranger> neither is devil
[15:22:48] <a_mysterious_stranger> baner, or other protectors, are usually quiet rather than outspoken
[15:23:06] <a_mysterious_stranger> but there are exceptions to that
[15:23:16] <a_mysterious_stranger> usually it's wolves who try to break tensions
[15:23:22] <a_mysterious_stranger> but i don't htink you're a bad
[15:23:37] <a_mysterious_stranger> you're like a doc or something
[15:25:51] <BongoBill> Sorry, was away from the keyboard. VvW is a different sort of game, I think you'll discover. So many powers - maybe not all power roles as you've defined them, but lots of things that can be done - that reading people won't carry you as far as it does in a rules-light game.
[15:27:07] <BongoBill> I'm flattered that you think I'm important because I was flippant in the first few posts of day 1, but come on, now.
[15:27:42] <BongoBill> There's not enough to go on, there, which is why you're pressing me here.
[15:28:07] <a_mysterious_stranger> i'm pressing you to preserve my cash
[15:28:17] <a_mysterious_stranger> i'd like to hit someone else with PI
[15:31:32] <BongoBill> I was paranoid enough to wonder if you really were Guild. The IP address was obvious, but IRC masks can be whatever you want 'em to be. But then I remembered: the only person crazy enough to pretend to be Guild is Guild.
[15:32:42] <a_mysterious_stranger> if it would behoove you as an inno to tell me your role and spare my gold for finding a bad, you should do so, especially if you aren't a 'power role' as you don't quite claim
[15:33:58] <a_mysterious_stranger> if i am a bad, and you aren't important, what harm? if you're a bad, lie to me now
[15:34:08] <a_mysterious_stranger> all i want is to judge your claim
[15:34:10] <a_mysterious_stranger> for myself
[15:34:23] <BongoBill> Last time: not telling. This game has too many ways to confirm allegiance - and too many ways to change it - for me to consider it prudent for me to be spreading around the one fact I know for certain. At least, this early in the game.
[15:34:42] <a_mysterious_stranger> well at least now i can trust YOU to be on MY team
[15:35:12] <a_mysterious_stranger> and after tonight, i might be able to trust you in this one
[15:35:31] <a_mysterious_stranger> you'd better not be dracula and kill me tonight i'll find you
[15:35:56] <a_mysterious_stranger> also, i figured if you were the weretiger, you'd have been far more pressured by that
[15:44:00] <BongoBill> Well, signing off now.
[15:44:01] <BongoBill> Ish.

Anything else?
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #170 on: March 26, 2011, 02:45:33 AM »

G, I am pretty sure you are playing your "high context" game. Which by my reckoning has screwed us as many times as it as saved us.

I won't say it's stupid and wrong, because I do recall a particularly tragic game when your bullshit completely removed you from suspicion and won you the game. But that was when you were a badguy! I'm not terribly excited about taking you seriously.

Niku is probably not a wolf, but that says nothing about him being a vampire (or the weretiger am i rite lol niku).
It occurs to me that I wrote a little too strongly. I don't think Niku's cleared of suspicion, I just have a good enough feeling from him that I wouldn't vote for him (today).

Gonna think on this some more. I want to hear from Transportation, and Koah, and I feel like Envy, McDohl, angry beaver, and maybe some others are still keeping an awful low profile. I'll check in tonight or tomorrow with my thoughts and maybe a change in vote.

I maintain that low profiles are great for players with special roles of any stripe. So I want to hear more from them. Beaver's been coming out with a strong statement at least once a day though, so I don't know if he's keeping as low a profile as Envy or McDohl.

I don't think we can have compelling arguments for anyone in particular today. I know that a no lynch today is crazy but all I've been doing is setting aside players I don't want to lynch.

You're right. There is no reason at all for us to hang you and your vampire friend, Koah. Or are you guys furry? I guess we'll find out.
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #171 on: March 26, 2011, 02:51:07 AM »

From what I know about playing wolfpirefia games, when someone says "So and so is probably not evil", it's a huge tell.

Man it's suspicious as shit, I tell you. How does he know? That's what I want to know.
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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #172 on: March 26, 2011, 03:01:44 AM »

From what I know about playing wolfpirefia games, when someone says "So and so is probably not evil", it's a huge tell.

Except I didn't say he was "probably not evil", I said he was "probably not a wolf". There are two evil teams in this, remember? The point is that I don't think Niku is the type to pointlessly draw attention to himself by killing someone who voted for him. Maybe you think the vamp/wolf distinction is academic from an inno point of view but it makes a difference to the Vampire Hunter and various item-users.

At any rate, Guild's deduction of Bongo's role has made me reconsider. Niku is pretty canny, there's no reason he couldn't have come to the same conclusion.

Also Guild while that reassures me that you aren't lying about the PI thing, all it really proves is that you tried to wheedle the Seer's identity out of him and then after he refused to cooperate he suddenly died.

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #173 on: March 26, 2011, 03:21:53 AM »

Guild, when you said my post was the worst post ever, you were summarizing the events of day 1 after Bongo Bill was already dead and revealed as the seer, and I was responding to that and requesting that we include information that you had left out. I was not attempting to express indignation that would dare vote for one of the most important people on the innocent team; I was attempting to justify my claim that we do have information from day 1's proceedings, even if it's incredibly suspect—which I would feel accurately describes the information we'd have gained even if we'd lynched someone.

I had to read this about five times before I realized you aren't making sense. Please be INFINITELY more specific with your EVERYTHING and restate this WHOLE paragraph, especially the bit in blue which seems to be lacking grammar, and the bit in red which seems to be lacking context.
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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #174 on: March 26, 2011, 03:36:16 AM »

Quote from: laser
Also Guild while that reassures me that you aren't lying about the PI thing, all it really proves is that you tried to wheedle the Seer's identity out of him and then after he refused to cooperate he suddenly died. I wasn't expecting that. Ok.

In the interest of full disclosure, the reason I have the 'don't talk outside the thread' rule is so players can't pressure scum into 'teaming' them through coercion. I fully planned that if bongo told me 'fine i'm Greater Dracula' to say 'team me up, scotty, or it's game over.'

His tell was less a seer tell and more a 'I have all the POWER!!' tell.

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #175 on: March 26, 2011, 03:49:22 AM »

From what I know about playing wolfpirefia games, when someone says "So and so is probably not evil", it's a huge tell.

Except I didn't say he was "probably not evil", I said he was "probably not a wolf".

Based on the fuck WHAT exactly? I don't care what you decided. I want to know HOW you decided it. Please explain that you fucking suspicious scummer.

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #176 on: March 26, 2011, 03:59:36 AM »

G, I am pretty sure you are playing your "high context" game. Which by my reckoning has screwed us as many times as it as saved us.

I won't say it's stupid and wrong, because I do recall a particularly tragic game when your bullshit completely removed you from suspicion and won you the game. But that was when you were a badguy! I'm not terribly excited about taking you seriously.

These are true words, so I will address them. I base my plays on what my opponents know. You've all seen me crazy. I'm doing it different this time. Good luck figuring out what I'll do next game, but I'm trustworthy for innocents to believe in this one.

Be wary of my words at your own risk (talking to not-classic, obvs, since he's a fucking wolf with koah i'm 35% sure)
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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #177 on: March 26, 2011, 04:01:32 AM »

do i win yet
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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #178 on: March 26, 2011, 04:15:02 AM »

Guild... did you edit that chat transcript with Bongo you posted? There was an.. interesting line in there I can't find now, and I'm not sure if it's because you're a snake or I'm really, really tired.

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #179 on: March 26, 2011, 04:19:45 AM »

I edited it before posting it... and I'm pretty sure I didn't hit submit on that one until all my edits were done. You might have caught one. Mmmm... want me to post the unedited one? It would be giving away my secret for finding seers a little.
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!
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