I'd also like to hear why Kazz didn't kill Guild.
This. I'm also curious what combination of wolfsbane, garlic, and tomfoolery has led to both Kazz and Envy still being alive. What the what.
Wolves get one turn a game, right? I'm pretty sure that using it will take the place of their regular night kill. We don't have any real way of knowing whether they tried to kill someone armed with wolfsbane, or whether they chose to turn instead, though. Remember that the order of operations is Items > Wolves > Vampires > Other, so Kazz knew that if he was going to be turned—and there was no force in the game that could have prevented him being turned, had the wolves and/or vampires decided to turn him—he might as well save his gun for the team he winds up on. Assuming he's actually the vigilante, this is the best explanation I can think of for why he wouldn't shoot.
Unfortunately, I think Envy may have tipped his hand by pointing at McDohl so consistently. When McDohl turned out to be a wolf, Envy's value as a recruit increased, presenting a dilemma to the vampires and wolves: the wolves can turn one of the two targets without consequence. If the vampires try to turn the same target,
oops, Drac is dead. This presents a strong incentive for the wolves to use their turn, so I think that's probably what they did.
If they did, the vampires obviously didn't choose to turn the same person, assuming they chose to turn somebody at all; they may have decided not to gamble with such high stakes and turned their attention elsewhere.
God, I hope the vampires didn't get the seer-sucking crystal ball. They wouldn't need to waste time scrying, for the most part: just turn whomever somebody else looked at the night before.
IN ANY EVENT, whether Kazz or Envy or both were turned, it is more important to me that we find Dracula or the Greater Werewolf and kill them ASAP. This is why I am (still) voting
Guild: he's never been exonerated, and the chaos he's sown is reason enough to question his allegiance.