Most nights I wanted to bid on every item, AND bid on a PI target, AND buy wolfsbane so I could protect whoever I thought was important enough to keep safe from wolves. I wound up winning the Ouija Board that way for 1 gold.
ps Newbie claiming PI was fast thinking! were you planning on doing that before I jumped to conclusions? just curious
Most games of werewolf I get caught up in adversarial thinking with people who are accusing me or questioning my motives. This time around I tried to interrupt myself whenever I started to fall into that pattern, which is why I reversed stance and went along with Kazz on the day one
no lynch issue, and why I decided to stop arguing you should be killed just to stem the tide of bullshit and instead see what happened when I PMed you. I wasn't planning on claiming PI; I just wanted to start a conversation and see what came of it. Then you opened up and said that I must have been the PI to believe you and that seemed like a useful idea to capitalize on, since I actually had won the second auction, and you claimed to have won the first and third. I really hadn't thought about who would have hired me for night two, so the question caught me off guard, and I figured you'd seen through the claim because of my evasiveness on that point.
While the conversation directly led to Nex PMing me, the ironic aftereffect of which was that, as the one person whose motives were obvious and unchangeable, Nex was almost the last person I wanted to lynch. I don't know why I was convinced there was only one other wolf besides him still alive, though.