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Author Topic: The Party of the Century  (Read 67079 times)

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #860 on: April 25, 2011, 10:05:08 AM »

At the time, Envy wasn't turned and I was super pissed about the thing.

That's one a super crazy coincidence. I have no idea what compelled Envy to do such a thing, but that was pretty much what convinced me Envy was a wolf.

If I had said that I had bid on your services and uncovered werewolves, would you have lynched me out of hand?

I'm honestly not sure. There were about 5 points in the game where I decided, "Screw it, might as well tell everyone I'm the PI", but I never followed through with it. If you had said that the PI told you who were the wolves, I might have revealed myself and gotten you lynched. However, if you had revealed how many wolves were still in the game I probably wouldn't have been so adamant about killing off the vampires. I wouldn't really know though unless it happened, because I kept changing my mind about everything throughout the game. After Newbie outed Nexadruin with his "PI" abilities, I actually planned to reveal myself to Nexadruin in the hope that I could be turned. Seeing as how Envy was turned though, I don't regret keeping my mouth shut.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #861 on: April 25, 2011, 10:33:10 AM »

Fun fact:

The Invisibility Cloak still hasn't done anything. Niku lost the roll on it with Zach, (which turned out to be a good thing, if he had won it instead, the saber would have killed him due to lack of bear) and when Zach was Envy scried, they ignored the result and sabered him anyway.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #862 on: April 25, 2011, 10:54:59 AM »

I would have turned you if I had known earlier, Friend. We turned Envy the night after I was outed since we figured I'd be dying. I tracked you last night when you took my orders to follow Laser, which is how I knew who you were and was planning to kill you for helping the wolves.

I find it hard to believe nobody else was offering. I even mentioned that people might not be offering the PI, and that it was dumb if they weren't.

I would have just PM'd Envy if he had been a wolf at the time of his mishap, also.

So can we all agree that Niku should always be Day 1 lynch from now on?


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #863 on: April 25, 2011, 11:00:15 AM »

Good job Nex. I must admit that when it took THREE NIGHTS to convince you I was the Devil I started to really dislike you, but when I saw how brilliantly you took up the mantle of Public Wolf, I almost cried. Sorry about the Vampire Cheering, it was the best way to raise awareness and Fear of Vamps. (really shouldn't have been allowed imho but i'm a sucker for soft rules).

Good game Friday!

Ffffffantastic job Niku :D

Sorry man, but the way you came out to me just seemed suspicious. Especially since you threatened me the first day. I thought you were just trying to get me to tell you who the rest of the wolves were. In the end it worked, though. We had a plan for me to be liaison to protect the others' identities and could still get your information.

Also I didn't mean it when I called you and McDohl bastards. I was pretty sure the vampires were hurting and didn't need people knowing how sure I was.

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #864 on: April 25, 2011, 11:01:05 AM »

Also: No one really bid on my services :(

For the last three nights or so, Nexadruin was the only person to even bid, so I just took his jobs by default. Had anyone else bid (like most of the innocents I ended up investigating), I probably would have taken it. I mean, seriously, even a 1g bid by anyone would have been enticing enough for me to consider.

haha, ok I had a plan to drive down the cost of PI investigations by claiming "Well it seems the PI is not very greedy." after bidding all my gold... DID IT WORK idk probably people just wanted AH shit BUT

I did also come up with the strategy of bidding 1 gold on each of X people, where X is the amount of gold I had. Reasoning: If the PI wanted a specific player investigated i'd have a better shot of offering for that person's and they'd have a better shot of finding out the results so they'd pick my investigation

ps Newbie claiming PI was fast thinking! were you planning on doing that before I jumped to conclusions? just curious

NIKU is going to DIE FIRST in EVERY WEREWOLF GAME for at least a YEAR after this

PI is a great role, Friday. Keep it forever! As is Ouija Board! The only thing I said to Newbie was this:

Newbie :)

but i thought he was drac after outing the chatlogs ha ha
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!

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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #865 on: April 25, 2011, 11:02:13 AM »

Also I didn't mean it when I called you and McDohl bastards. I was pretty sure the vampires were hurting and didn't need people knowing how sure I was.

And I was only trying to raise fear of Vamps with my Vampteam cheering. I thought you did an awesome job on the whole.

I will be watching Niku and Nex more closely in the future.
It was a fun visit. I hope someday someone figures out what I was saying in this post. Bye!


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #866 on: April 25, 2011, 11:27:41 AM »

Fun fact:

The Invisibility Cloak still hasn't done anything. Niku lost the roll on it with Zach, (which turned out to be a good thing, if he had won it instead, the saber would have killed him due to lack of bear) and when Zach was Envy scried, they ignored the result and sabered him anyway.

That's amusing, because it should be a powerful item. Anyway yeah, when Envy was supposed to be scrying Kayma he actually was scrying Zach, but because of the way everything else worked out I figured it was Zach anyway. I actually kind of fucked that night up a little bit and might have found out about niku if I wasn't so forgetful. Oh well.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #867 on: April 25, 2011, 11:48:10 AM »

I still don't trust Niku at all. I'm sure saying this will infuriate him and make him come through the internets to lynch me himself, but whatever. We haven't ruled out the weretiger role.

I'm not interested in the weretiger right now, though. I can find vampires.

LOL hindsight.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #868 on: April 25, 2011, 12:45:32 PM »

"I mean what are the odds that Smiler got the interceptor? I mean that post was kinda baity but you haven't whipped anyone the whole game DO IT DO IT DO IT"

This is unrelated, but how many games have the vampires won?


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #869 on: April 25, 2011, 12:56:57 PM »

This is unrelated, but how many games have the vampires won?



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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #870 on: April 25, 2011, 01:03:44 PM »



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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #871 on: April 25, 2011, 01:14:41 PM »

Most nights I wanted to bid on every item, AND bid on a PI target, AND buy wolfsbane so I could protect whoever I thought was important enough to keep safe from wolves. I wound up winning the Ouija Board that way for 1 gold.

ps Newbie claiming PI was fast thinking! were you planning on doing that before I jumped to conclusions? just curious

Most games of werewolf I get caught up in adversarial thinking with people who are accusing me or questioning my motives. This time around I tried to interrupt myself whenever I started to fall into that pattern, which is why I reversed stance and went along with Kazz on the day one no lynch issue, and why I decided to stop arguing you should be killed just to stem the tide of bullshit and instead see what happened when I PMed you. I wasn't planning on claiming PI; I just wanted to start a conversation and see what came of it. Then you opened up and said that I must have been the PI to believe you and that seemed like a useful idea to capitalize on, since I actually had won the second auction, and you claimed to have won the first and third. I really hadn't thought about who would have hired me for night two, so the question caught me off guard, and I figured you'd seen through the claim because of my evasiveness on that point.

While the conversation directly led to Nex PMing me, the ironic aftereffect of which was that, as the one person whose motives were obvious and unchangeable, Nex was almost the last person I wanted to lynch. I don't know why I was convinced there was only one other wolf besides him still alive, though.
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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #872 on: April 25, 2011, 01:26:01 PM »

Good game everyone, especially Niku. Still amazed you managed to shrug the pressure off on to me immediately after being sabred. Uh.

Again, apologies for my quietness. During this game I moved house, worked seven 16 hour days in a row, and had to deal with daily trips to the vet after my cat got mauled by a dog.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #873 on: April 25, 2011, 01:27:23 PM »

It's not a problem. Life can tend to do that. Thanks for playing!


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #874 on: April 25, 2011, 01:29:14 PM »

This is unrelated, but how many games have the vampires won?

If Esper's post didn't make it clear: The Vampires have never won a VvW. There's actually an achievement for being the first Vampire Team to win it.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #875 on: April 25, 2011, 01:30:07 PM »

"I mean what are the odds that Smiler got the interceptor? I mean that post was kinda baity but you haven't whipped anyone the whole game DO IT DO IT DO IT"



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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #876 on: April 25, 2011, 01:40:03 PM »

I don't know why you guys didn't lynch me as soon as you found out I was a wolf. I expected every day to be my last, and was constantly trying to make preparations for my team to somehow get my shit (this is also why Envy had the shovel btw). Also, one of the vampires that died earlier could have revealed Dracula's scry list, since he knew the wolves. Why didn't that happen?


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #877 on: April 25, 2011, 01:49:58 PM »

1. I have no clue why the innos didn't lynch you aside from the Stockholm Syndrome that was left over after Guild died. They saw how well someone trying to fuck them over did last time, and decided that they didn't have anything to lose.

2. Vampire action are as follows:
1: scry zara
2: turn zara
3: scry guild
4: turn romo

We were also getting scrys from the ball which Zara got day one.

None of the scry lists available to the dead vampires would have been helpful. Our stolen scrys were romo and angry beaver. Oh, and Zara's last crystal ball scry was himself.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #878 on: April 25, 2011, 01:51:25 PM »

Oh alright then.


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Re: The Party of the Century
« Reply #879 on: April 25, 2011, 01:53:39 PM »

It is funny that in our list of potential first scrys, we had Niku on the list. Too bad we didn't go with him right away.
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