So I picked up a PSP Go today.
Sure would be nice to play games on it.
I know I'm a little late on this, but
Half-Byte Loader loads homebrew. You could pass some time with that. Of particular interest, if you don't have a Kindle/Nook/smartphone, is Bookr, which lets you read books (PDF, djvu, txt, but unsure about mobi/epub) on eyesight-destroyingly small text. (It's fine when the PSP is right by your face, when lying on your side, but I wouldn't really sit with it.)
(If you get Prometheus or aLoader, it also loads a lot of ISO/CSO files, but it's not like those are readily available through a quick search.
Consoles have planned obsolescence built right into them. I know you can upgrade modern ones a bit, but they're still frozen in time in a far more rigid way than PCs will ever be. You can have a PC that's almost ten years old and will still play at least a few new games. Consoles? You'll be at least three full generations down the line.
Sony went beyond the usual planned obscolescence and straight to "Fuck you; we're removing features." Bye, OtherOS. (To be fair, it wasn't exactly a gaming feature, unless you just
have to play Tux Racer.)