I already was aware that a hashed password had to be brute forced, but after some research to see what "salted" means, I have a lot more confidence in Valve than I ever did in Sony.
For those less aware, a hashed password cannot be decrypted due to the nature of the mathematical function that created it, it is an inherently one way operation. However, using a "rainbow table" once you figure out the key used to create the hash, you can figure out the key used to encrypt it and then compare the hashes you have to hashes created from common passwords using the same function, making a database only as strong as the weakest password to a sufficiently powerful internet wizard. What a salt does is add on an extra amount of known data before the password is hashed. This doesn't improve security for the individual user since the salt would be easy to find out, but it does make it so that they have to crack each individual password one at a time.
Keeping in mind, this is all before having to deal with Steam Guard as well.