Innocents win. Bleck is the manpire; I'm the seer. I was the person to win the invisibility cloak; my scries were G, LaserBeing, Nex, and Bleck. I contacted Smiler, Nex, and Friday on day 2 claiming to be in contact with the seer so that I could present my successful wolf discovery as a voting bloc and hopefully the evil teams would misidentify the actual seer, which I'm assuming is what happened with Classic's death.
This is interesting.
See, ever since you contacted me, Newbie, I've been bidding a lot of gold every night toward the PI to scry you, because I never trust anyone in these games. Turns out last night he finally did.
Newbie isn't lying about having the cloak.
But he is lying about something else.
And that something else is
Newbie is motherfucking Dracula.
My guess at this point is Newbie had the turned Garrison or himself scry Bleck at some point, and found what he assumes is the last wolf. See this line?
Innocents win.
How the fuck do you know that? You're assuming there's only 1 goddamn vampire left and it's Dracula? And you're assuming no wolves are left, with only 3 killed? If you were the real seer, outing yourself like this to kill 'Dracula' would only get you immediately killed in response.
Also, you know, I know Bleck is a wolf, thanks to the real Seer, who's been leading me and Guild and Nex this whole game, telling me so. I just hadn't brought it up because I don't want to kill the probable last wolf while Dracula is still alive and the tiger is dead, which would lead to VAMPIRE UTOPIA YO.
Anyway, Newbie is Dracula and he wants to kill the last wolf. This means he probably has two vampire underlings, and will win the game with a turn tonight. Don't let that happen. Kill him first.
tl;dr; PI proves Newbie is Dracula, the real Seer knows Bleck is a wolf. We'll kill them both, but make sure Newbie dies first today so he doesn't win.