Those comics make me so mad I can't even form a valid criticism without just ranting in all caps. I HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE IT when some chucklefuck starts campaigning a view I would normally agree with in a way so overblown and combative that any moderate would have to say, "You know what? Fuck you, and fuck your cause."
I mean look, I get that white affluence was established on a base of institutionalized minority oppression. I may have used too many liberal buzzwords there but it's something we all knew intuitively. Even though I'm fairly certain my direct ancestors had typical Irish problems up until WW2, I'm sure those fat Kodak checks that both my grandfathers pulled in wouldn't have been possible without... whatever the hell Kodak ever did to minorities.
This example is being derailed quickly.
ANYWAY what pisses me off is the implication that if you're the indirect beneficiary of someone who enjoyed a basic American right that somebody else was denied, by somebody else, and through no fault directly OR indirectly of your benefactor's own, you are directly responsible for that person's beneficiaries.
I mean all that guy had to do was show even one example of a minority getting screwed over BECAUSE of the majority. Just one instance of "Oh, we gave the last loan to THAT GUY, nyuk nyuk."
But, nope, it's clearly and specifically portrayed as separate and unrelated occurrences with no interrelation at all. But it's still your fault, cracker.
Valid white guilt isn't enough. You're not a true liberal until you've developed a full-on martyr complex.
As for the other one, I really only take issue with the #6 panel, because it's a viewpoint you two keep trying to push in this thread and all I've got to say about it is that I spent enough time in the shittier portions of LA to feel justified in saying that anyone who believes that it's impossible for shitty things to happen to a person just because they're caucasian can kiss my god damn ass.