Game Over -
Werewolf VictoryEndgame'd- Beat Bandit - Wolf -
Alpha Werewolf - Can check to see if someone's been scried or not each night.
- Lottel - Wolf -
Werewolf - No special powers.
- Caithness - Town -
Baner - Able to protect one player from wolf kills each night.
- Nickasummers - Town -
Shadow Government - As long as S.G. lives, roles are revealed upon death. The S.G. can switch one vote per game day.
Dead- Envy - Town -
Last Sane Man - Only player who knows there is no seer or serial killer.
Lynched D1 by popular vote.
- Kayma - Town -
The DA - Able to mark one player each night. Any night a marked player uses an action, the DA is told this but not what they did or to whom.
Lynched D2 by popular vote.
- Classic - Town -
Paranoid Townie - Thinks that if he votes for a non-wolf, he loses. Is actually just a vanilla townie.
Killed N2 by wolves.
- NexAdruin - Town -
Main Character - Searches for the Serial Killer, who doesn't exist! -
Lynched by popular vote D3.
Moderator/Noteworthy PostsStart of Day 1This isn't Yyler's gameRule Clarification: Rules 1 and 4Envy's RoleclaimThe First VotecountEnvy's LynchStart of Day 2The Second VotecountKayma's LynchStart of Day 3Rules1)
Situationally, breaking any rule may result in an instant mod kill.2) Due to the closed nature of the game, talking about this game outside the game thread is allowed, and factions can send certified messages to others through me if they wish.
3) Do not quote any part of any PM from me or use any method to try to prove your role to another player.
4) No editing or deleting posts.
This is my color. Do not use it.6) If a player has not posted within a reasonable length of time they may be prodded. Prods are cumulative, and three prods result in replacement. Giving a public notice of absence grants immunity from prods.
7) There is no time limit on days or nights, but see rule 6.
8) I will always wait a short time after getting the final night action to ensure nobody metagames based on player logins.
9) Roles are randomly assigned by die roll.
10) The order of power resolutions is a secret to everybody.
11) I can change the rules but will avoid it at all cost.
12) Anonymous accounts are welcome.