If you missed the post in Game News Dump: the character creator is out. And it turns out that voice 3 sounds kind of like the cockney voice from SR2.
For Saint's Row The third character creator:
Here's the link. You have to sign up for an account, but once you do, be sure you click the "PC Platform" link before getting a key. You then just enter the key into steam and you download it.
I've played around with it a bit, and there's some wacky shit you can do. Skin colors that involve metallics and gem colors. However I think the Clothing options are a bit glitched out. Half of the pants just looked identical in every way.
At this point my issue is 360 vs PC. I've been burned in the past by PC Saint's row (For example, I had to get a program to downclock my processor so the game ran at the proper speed, and even that had to be manually adjusted to the
third decimal point to get it just right.)
Yet I know my friends on console are going to be busy with Battlefield 3 and Skyrim.
Fuck it. PC first. I'll end up buying both eventually, anyway.