Not a single one of those pictures even remotely blipped on my "oversexualized" radar. Maybe that's because I'm just used to how female adventurers look, or maybe it's because the author is butthurt. What I can't understand is why she would be picking on some artist who is, at the worst, maybe a 3 on the scale of offensive oversexualization, when there is LOADS of shitty, slutty, and fetishized art out there elsewhere, loads of which can be found in most mainstream media.
I do agree with her statement of "females = mages = slutty needs to fall in a well and die", though. If I see one more playboy bunny sorc I think I will die of character design boredom. Hell, make them a seductress! Make them dark, scary, and sexy. That's still cliche as shit but at least it makes more sense than a ditzy female caster who dresses like a hooker.
(also it's way hotter)