Congratulations, Lottel!
You are the Serial Killer. Each night you can kill one player. This kill is unblockable except by the Little Girl, who waits to post once before dying and knows two players who didn't kill her. You may choose not to kill if you wish. There is a 25% chance (based on a 1d4 roll) that someone else in this game also knows there is a Serial Killer. The little girl thinks there are only wolves.
Lottel saw this PM, but there never was a Little Girl. The Little Girl was thrown in to give him pause before killing during the endgame. Lottel played an excellent game, here. He WAS on every wagon! Nicka and Envy and Ardus all noticed, but too late to do anything. His bloodthirst was cool and calm most of the time.
Welcome to Closed Werewolf Epsilon, Ardus!
You are the Young Werewolf. Kayma is the Old Werewolf. The two of you can communicate via PM at your leisure. You don't know who the other werewolves are or may be, but each night you may 'check' a fellow crewmate to see if they are a werewolf, and from then on, if they are a wolf, you can communicate with them via PM at your leisure. You can't kill at night because you haven't got your biting fangs yet. You win when your team, the werewolves, equals or outnumbers the other living players at dawn, or when nothing can prevent that from happening. Good luck!
Ardus didn't come clean about being a wolf. Even when doing so would have WON him the game, he kept his mouth shut. From my end, it was impressive. Ardus, you were aware that you'd been shaved. Why didn't you confess? I suspect it's because YOU JUST DON'T DO THAT IN WEREWOLF!! ha ha well... WIFOM! it works for EVERYONE in mafia. hahahah i'm hopefully laughing
with you here
Welcome to Closed Werewolf Epsilon, Kayma!
You are the Old Werewolf. Ardus is the Young Werewolf. The two of you can communicate via PM at your leisure. You don't know who the other werewolves are or may be, but each night you may 'check' a fellow crewmate to see if they are a werewolf, and from then on, if they are a wolf, you can communicate with them via PM at your leisure. You can't kill at night because you haven't got your biting fangs with you. You win when your team, the werewolves, equals or outnumbers the other living players at dawn, or when nothing can prevent that from happening. Good luck!
These guys were a great team! And even when Kayma was turned back into an inno he didn't out his partner. That's loyalty! Under such extreme conditions, I have no idea what I would have done, but I thought Kayma handled it well.
Welcome to Closed Werewolf Epsilon, Nickasummers!
You are the Tenor Barber. Each day, at any time, you may shave one person. If they were a werewolf, they become innocent like you! You don't know if it worked or not, however, so you'll just have to hope. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
Excellent handling of his role. Bravo, Nicka. Nicka was by far the town's MVP. He figured out that there were two bads left and pretty much called the shots for the last few moves of the game.
Welcome to Closed Werewolf Epsilon, NexAdruin!
You are the Baritone Barber. Each night you may shave one person. If they were a werewolf, they become innocent like you! You don't know if it worked or not, however, so you'll just have to hope. You win when all threats to the town are eliminated.
Nex also had excellent powers management and because of him and Nicka, all wolves were shaved.
Welcome to Closed Werewolf Epsilon, Envy!
You are the Guardian Angel. As long as you live, alignments are revealed upon death. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated. Good luck!
Ouch on this one for the town. This was a worst-case scenario for the town.
Welcome to Closed Werewolf Epsilon, Classic!
You are the Werewolf Shaman. You think you are town unless a werewolf scries you. Each night you can lock down a player so they can't use their powers. You win when your team, the werewolves, equals or outnumbers the other players at dawn, or when nothing can prevent that from happening. If you are never scried by a wolf, you only ever see your innocent role PM. Good luck!
The werewolves had a good 25% chance to win this game, and a good 75% chance of becoming a nerf to the town by being 'shaved wolves' who count as innocents. This large nerf was because this game really was always Lottel versus Everyone. And he did admirably, I might add.
Welcome to Closed Werewolf Epsilon, Caithness!
You are the Necromancer. As long as you live, powers are revealed upon death. You win when all threats to the town have been eliminated. Good luck!
When NexAdruin died, Classic was locking down Caithness, so it also looked like Caithness' power was Nex's, making Caith a liar. This was the other half of the Disaster that made the Worst Case Scenario worse. The other half was Classic's weird lies about his role and for some reason ignoring the PMs I sent him saying he was a shaved werewolf. Classic, wtf? Negative karma for you until you explain yourself young man.
Good game everyone else. Thanks for playing!
Classic follow me into my office...