RE: "Bringing balance to the Force".
I still maintain that Anakin did this by killing a whole mess of Jedi. They were more high on themselves and detached from reality than corrupt, but the Jedi Order represents a pretty huge rock in the stream that is the Force. Even if they weren't complacent dullards it seems to me the sheer weight of such an organization on the Force is probably a bad thing.
I'll agree that the second thing he did to balance the Force was father Luke as the counter to all the chaos he wrought in the first place, balancing the force in two parts. Anakin burns it all down, Luke builds it back to somewhere reasonable, and counters the growing dark side influence before it can become as disruptive as the Jedi had been.
Notably, Luke is no saint. He's a hot head to start with, becomes a warrior and rebel, explores his Jedi heritage largely to be a better warrior/rebel, and though there's closure with regards to the dark side when he chose not to kill his father, he still beat the ever living shit out of him and chopped his god damned hand off. I haven't read any of the EU stuff regarding the New Jedi Order that he founds. My only experience of it comes from the Jedi Knight games, in fact, but here's hoping he doesn't start taking himself too seriously.