Anyway, I think tinkering with the OT is a giant can of worms and probably best left alone.
Well, yes. In real life, it is a terrible fucking idea and they should be left alone, warts and all, and should have been left alone in the first damn place.
But we're speaking hypothetically here.
I mean, a lot (but certainly not all people) could broadly agree that the prequels could have been vastly better done. Getting them to agree on exactly what changes to make is another clusterfuck entirely (sure there are obvious changes, but when you get down to individual lines, there will be some disagreement).
Well sure, there's never going to be a broad consensus on details. But I think there IS a broad consensus on broad strokes: Lloyd and Christensen are both terrible actors, Jar-Jar Binks is obnoxious, the love story is poorly-executed, and Anakin's fall from grace -- the ostensible entire thing the first three movies are about -- feels forced and abrupt rather than a natural progression.
How to actually fix those things, yes, will result in a million different disparate and contradictory responses, but better actors and better writers are a good if totally vague place to start.