Night 1 - Guild(Vig) attacks Nicka(seerwolf), but for some reason the kill fails. (Personal theory: someone protected or my kill shoots 2/3 or 1/3 blanks) and Kayma(seer) scries Nicka(seerwolf) while Lottel(fool) scries Kayma(seer) as a fool.
So far, it checks out.
Night 2 - Guild(Vig) attacks Lottel(fool) to confirm Kayma(seer) for himself and the town. I'm pretty good as a mouthpiece for the seer because I'm a fearless idiot. Either I was blocked (Sheriff Nex, maybe? The Sheriff was originally a werewolf role, if I'm not mistaken) or shot a blank ('program failed'). That's rather unfortunate in the extreme, and makes me wonder if I'm not being strung along by these supposed seering shakespearian masks we call Lottel and Kayma. According to the timeline, Kayma has not scried Lottel yet. Wouldn't the fool see the real seer as a fool? Why wouldn't the fool further see an evil seer as a regular fool?
Glados - Vig
Kayma - Seer
Lottel - Fool
false - Devil
Nex - A role nobody's ever heard of before! How convenient and also therefore believable, tbh, given the above timeline
Nicka - Wolfseer
Envy - Wolf
fullmoon - Baner
This is how the town is trying to present itself. One of these people are lying or the game has ended and we must choose to stop killing or some other such sillyness. I doubt it's that. Which means one of the above people is lying about their role. Now. We have hella seers and shit. Why don't we abstain from hanging AND night killing and just seer ourselves silly for a day/night phase? Caith, is that allowed?