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Author Topic: The Binding of Isaac  (Read 11836 times)

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The Binding of Isaac
« on: September 29, 2011, 08:13:33 AM »

Zelda roguelike for $4.5 on steam.

Protips follow:

* To bridge holes, bomb a rock next to them.
* Satan sells items in exchange for your own permanent health (1 or 2 hearts)
* Clearing rooms fills your item gauge (some items fill slower than others)
* No items kill you on use outright, though a select few may damage you.


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #1 on: September 29, 2011, 11:11:57 AM »

bombing a door that is closed due to enemies still being there opens it, but this does not work on locked doors
there are hidden rooms you can find doors to by bombing walls, but i don't know how to reliably find these.
The moon card teleports you to a secret room in the area you're in.
the fly item seems really shitty
the tower card summons a bunch of bombs to explode around you
the death card kills everything in the room but doesn't work on bosses
the justice card summons the salesman dude


  • Akzidenz Grotesk
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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #2 on: September 29, 2011, 11:49:01 AM »

That's not justice, that's judgement. Justice summons you one of every standard item (A penny, a heart (or half heart?) a bomb and a key.) Anyways since I got 25 wins in the beta, I know an absurd amount about the game.

The Devil puts you into max damage mode.
Lovers summons two hears
Temperence summons a heart-to-money machine
Wheel of Fortune summons a roulette wheel
The Magician gives you homing shots
Strength makes you large and gives you +1 max health
Hanged man makes you float
The World shows you the whole map
The Hermit takes you to the shop
Hierophant gives you two blue hearts
The Fool teleports you somewhere random
The Chariot puts you in MAGICAL UNICORN MODE (it's like a star in mario)

Any thing that intrinscially gives you a new ability or life goes away when you leave (notably with devil, strength, hangman), but things that are made are obviously permenant. I think theres one that gives you a devil deal but I can't remember the name.

So other advice

* Don't fuck with pills unless you have a Lucky Foot or a PHD. Those keep you from incurring stat damage from pills. The only other time you'd use a pill is in an emergency. Cain gets a Lucky foot from the get go, meaning if you play him you can suck down every pill relatively. You can still get 'negative' effects, like pooping bombs, but nothing permanent. So unless it's an emergency pill, be sure to use them in a safe place.

* Clear out the entire level in the first for levels. YOu want all the keys and bombs you can get and they're easy stages. Clearing out levels 5 and 6 can be worthwhile, but a bit more risky and keys aren't terribly important in levels 7 and  8. Bombs are a great way to kill mom's heart though, so are worth collecting.

* Secret rooms are a great source of money and extra items and finding them can up your win percentage. As far as I've seen, secret rooms ALWAYS connect to at least 2 rooms and tend to prefer areas with even more connections. If you have extra bombs you can hunt them out safely and systematically. Well, until the later chapters where their are far too many rooms.

* Conserve keys. Generally early on I don't bother going into a shop unless I have either 15 coins (cost of a major item), or a lot of extra keys and 7 coins (the price of an onsale major item).

* It's almost always worth bombing to get to a chest, though opening a locked chest takes more consideration. You want to have at least a key to get the levels item, but a chest is probably more valuable than going into a shop (and often will give you extra keys anyways).

* Beggers are awesome. They have better payoff rates than slots and tend to give you a major item within roughly 10 coins. The items tend ot be maps, compasses, batteries (!!!) or life.

* Compasses and maps make the last two levels much easier. Since they have no items or shops (usually) it's best to just to go straight to the bosses.

* Some rocks are discolored. Bombing them is like opening a chest, only its bias toward blue hearts, bombs and keys. Occasionally it drops a rock, which ups you damage and uppded damage is TOTALLY SWEET.

* Since there's little to use money on in the last two levels, gambling away all your money before the first mom fight is great if you can do it.

* At some point you're going to need to choose between secondary items. I'll give some advice and point out some exceptional items

Unicorn horn: Makes you invulnerable temporarily and makes you do damage by running into enemies. WITH YOUR HORN. Can destroy whole rooms do big chunks of damage to bosses for free. Takes a lot to recharge though and should not be taken over faster, but still great items

Book of Beliel: Pound for pound the best use item in my opinion. Puts you into max damage mode for the duration of an encounter and charges fast.

Book of Shadows: Makes you invulnerable for about 10 seconds and recharges quickly.

Tammy's head: Shoots high damaged shots in all directions. Not very powerful, but recharges on every screen, so you can use it on EVERY encounter.

There are others too, but most of them are unlocks for beating the game several times (Nail, Book of Revelations, Dice...).

Item's like Bob's Rotten Head and Doctor's Remote aren't particularly great, but can be used to hunt for secret rooms without wasting bombs. Every time it fills up, just go test a wall and charge it again.

In terms of character strength, Cain is probably the best until you you get the dice for Isaac (Which is hard). He can suck down pills, does a bunch of damage is fast and only loses one max health and a bit of range. He also gets better drops on average. Isaac (without dice) and Maggie are about equal (though Maggie is probably best for beginning players) and Judas is fun but hard to consistently win with if the game doesn't give you a lo of life-ups.

Any questions?


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #3 on: September 29, 2011, 11:50:14 AM »

The flies are a bullet shield and they accumulate (you can get more from pills and slot machines)
Death card reduces bosses to half health if they're not blinking from being hit
Hermit teleports you to the shop
Justice summons a few random items
Hanged Man lets you fly until you leave the room
Devil gives you a damage boost until you leave the room

You can bomb slot machines and blood donation machines for some items

Card uses are temporary, pill uses are permanent, most accessories are permanent except for your secondary weapon, which can be exchanged for another one later in the game.

the game crashed while I was fighting the final boss. Lost all my unlocks from that run, too. I am kind of miffed now.


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #4 on: September 29, 2011, 11:53:23 AM »

when you trade with the demon, be very careful about taking the dead cat. It gives you 9 extra lives, but it reduced my health to one heart, and I couldn't find more health or faith before the next boss so I'm dying over and over to him.

the mirror is balls, it makes your shots boomerang back toward you, functionally boning your range


  • Akzidenz Grotesk
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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #5 on: September 29, 2011, 12:13:47 PM »

Oh also fly items are awesome. Getting 3 of them and having good movement basically makes you super duper hard to hit with projectiles. Also death doesn't halve bosses health as far as I know. It just does a ton of damage. It'd probably kill the Jr.s flat out (or close to it) or halve the Duke of Flies but do less against other bosses with lots of health like Gurdy or Monstro 2.

Items to look for in Shop or devil bargin.

Technology (LASER EYE): Shoots a laser full screen and instantly instead of crying. Also travels through multiple enemies. This makes lots of enemies and bosses way easier later oo ESPECIALLY technology.

Piercing Shot(Indian Feather): Shots pass through enemies. Poor man's technology, though can get other shot upgrades associated with it.

Coat Hanger/Sad Onion/Stuffed Animal head/Anything that increases rate of Fire: Nuff said, Though the Pee Upgrade 'Number one' kills your range. Great when combined with range upgrades or technology though!

Rock/Crown of Thorns/Pentagram/Anything that increases damage: Nuff said.

Chocolate Milk: Gives you a charge shot. The charge shot alone isn't super good (though useful on some enemies) but it also allows you to fire faster. You gotta fire faster by actually mashing though. NOT THAT I CARE.


PhD: Good if found early on, because you get to EAT PIIIIIILLLLLS safely.

Green Syringe: Range/Speed up

Brother Bobby and Sister Maggie (They look like dead little fetuses): They follow you around and shoot as well. Maggie is better as her shots do more damage.

Ladder: Well, you've played Zelda!

Life up Heart: Obviously!


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #6 on: September 29, 2011, 12:51:44 PM »

Yeah, I actually won after I stopped fucking with the pills, they really aren't worth it.


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #7 on: September 29, 2011, 01:03:44 PM »

It's kinda ridiculous because if you do have a PHD or Lucky foot, they become super great.

Bongo Bill

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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #8 on: September 29, 2011, 02:51:14 PM »

This game is fun.
...but is it art?


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2011, 03:01:41 PM »

I'm horrible at this game but I'm glad I bought it. I don't get enough keys.


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2011, 03:14:47 PM »

i enjoy roguelikes and i love this guy's art but

i hate this GAME's art so much that i basically never want to play it
i'm a blog now, blogs are cool: a fantastic machine made of meat


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2011, 03:47:27 PM »

yes, that


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #12 on: September 29, 2011, 07:23:58 PM »

I would pay money for a mod that is nothing more than an art-swap


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #13 on: September 29, 2011, 07:34:54 PM »

I never realized how numb I was to this sort of stuff until the game was released. :|

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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #14 on: September 29, 2011, 08:56:21 PM »

The battery gives you frankenstein neckbolts, and periodically gives you one charge block for your items.


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2011, 09:14:59 PM »

There is blood and poop everywhere in this game.

Also vomit.

And some other substances I don't want to know about.


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2011, 09:26:31 PM »

I've been interested in this game for a long time for multiple reasons, but yeah, it really looks way too unpleasant. And I'm not saying that it's not legitimate; the unpleasantness is part of the concept, part of the interest, even, and I'm sure it looks exactly the way it's meant to, or close to it. But when I ask myself if I want to spend time in that world, the answer is no.


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #17 on: September 29, 2011, 09:27:41 PM »

Shit is usually my limit but they're such cute little cartoon turds and when you pop them they leave smiley face stains!

Bongo Bill

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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #18 on: September 29, 2011, 09:33:43 PM »

I don't even really notice it. I don't look at it and see a pile of poop; I see something I can shoot several times to make disappear.
...but is it art?


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Re: The Binding of Isaac
« Reply #19 on: September 30, 2011, 12:48:41 AM »

It's kind of the whole atmosphere though, not just specific things. It's well done and clever and probably funny, but I just don't want to go to that place.
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