Decided to play my Pyromaster again for a bit and I loaded her up. Turns out she was ready to face The Archers and make her way through the palace in Anor Londo, so I summoned a bit of help. Almost as soon as we started engaging the giants at the top of the stairs in front of the main gates I get invaded by a spirit of vengeance. He runs to the archer walkway and manages to knock my jolly partner into a pit, so I run back to where I summoned her in the first place and find he sign again. We run back, and manage to exact revenge on the bastard in a most amusing fashion. He used Iron Flesh and my friend could throw lightning, and both of us had lightning weapons (don't use iron flesh against lightning).
We get past the archers and start fighting our way up when a dark spirit invades. We fight him near the spiral stair cases and I finish him off with a Great Chaos Fireball directly to the face for an irrelevant amount of damage. We then make our way up stairs and another spirit of vengeance invades. We're on the roof at this point and just chill up there until we get bored. Head downstairs to discover that, in searching for us, this kind fellow has opened up every single shortcut including the main gates into the palace. We discover him on the stairs, presumably getting a little annoyed. He dances around a bit, but the combined bleed from my Iaito and my Super Friend's great scythe brings him down (and common feature of our combats). Finally, as we're turning around, another dark spirit invades. This guy just gets shit stomped.
The way clear, we head over to the fog door, I summon a random Sun Bro so fill out the party, and we make Ornstein and Smough our bitches, despite almost being out of spells entirely. I started this adventure with 90k souls and ended it with 427k souls, and several extra humanity. Thank you hiza-kozou, hope you don't go Hollow. Neh hah hah hah.