Well the simple view would be "yes they were breaking the law and being a nuisance, but no, not to the point of an armed raid with no prior notice". I expect some investigation into whether or not proper procedure was followed before that action, and some lawsuits if it wasn't.
The larger view is... while a lot of people are justifiably upset about the new reality that America Is Fucking Scary, I think it's possible that a true majority, or at least a voting majority, is completely in support of this new regime. We're coming close to having to make a decision whether or not the Bill of Rights can supercede a democracy that demands it be dismantled.
I was chatting with a coworker today about it in vague terms and at some point said, "Come on, this is America!" He replied with exasperation, "Man, I don't know what that means anymore."
He then followed up with, "I guess it means 'Let's ask for free money.'"
We're kind of at a point where everybody thinks the country needs to fundamentally change, but there are two very different viewpoints as to how. One side wants to follow the example of those idealistic revolutionaries and the other wants to follow those hard-working pilgrims.
If history is a good predicter, then victory will go to the side that's more ready to drive over the other side with a tank.
Then again, it's not like things were always rosy for the Vietnam protestors, MLK, Gandhi, or that guy who could stop tanks with his face. Maybe I'm just being pessimistic.
I don't even know what to hope, really. The truth is I'm a lucky enough asshole to probably come out on top either way.
Good luck, you guys.