Francisca looks around, seeing all her allies injured and scattered, she cowers and takes a step back away from the dwarven ghost in front of her, but then, realising what she was doing, she stands up tall, Ignoring the dwarven ghost standing right in front of her and about to strike, she strikes a defiant pose, stabbing her finger out towards the obelisk. "I don't know what you are, But you've corrupted the wrong person today! This ends now!", she lifts her other hand up, pointing with both fingers, "I'm going to BREAK you, or my name isn't Francisca B. Winterbottom!"
[Casting stirring shout against the obelisk, 10 damage, i was hoping for two good rolls, but I'm just glad i had two rolls! Anyway, anyone who attacks the obelisk will get 4 per hit]
A wave of energy shoots out from francisca and hits the obelisk, making it shudder slightly, Francisca spins around on one foot, and slams the other one down on the ground, punching her fist out towards the obelisk, "I don't care how ancient you are, where you're from, or what your story is, You're done for!"
[Using an action point, casting cutting words on the obelisk, I only got 5 damage, that's with my +4 modifier, Three rolls this turn, and two 1s, I think that sums up our luck so far. Still didn't go too bad, blew 15 HP off of it. Would have liked to blow it away, though.]
Another wave blasts out of francisca and hits the obelisk, slightly less powerful than the one before. She lowers her hands and stands up, looking at the still-standing obelisk. "Rothdar damn it..."
She looks around her, calling out to her allies, "Keep attacking the obelisk! Stop the problem at its source!"
u Urkas Berg: HP43 AC18 Fort 14 Ref 15 Will 15, -1 pushed, resist 6 necrotic
1-9 Dwarven ghost troops: HP1 AC15 Fort 14 Ref 12 Will 14, -1 pushed, immune disease/poison, resist 5 necrotic, resist 5 radiant
While adjacent to an ally: AC19 Ref 16
O Glass obelisk: HP60 AC 14 Fort 10, immobile
# Wall (lined with burning braziers at 10 feet up)
= Altar (high ground, +1 melee)
% Large brazier (difficult terrain, causes burning: ongoing 3 fire, save ends)
^ Spikes (difficult terrain, starting your turn causes 5 damage)
V 28/28HP, Concealment
P 21/32HP, damage reduction 4, on fire for ongoing 3, all defenses +2 until end of next turn
& 10/22HP, on ^
B 19/31HP
D 26/26HP
F 26/26HP
u 16/43HP, Marked by Pitamaha, +2 AC/Fort/Ref/Will vs Pitamaha, ongoing fire 3 ( save ends)
O 10/60HP Bloodied?
5 Cursed, Smells Nice
8 Cursed, Smells Nice