Which do you think is more likely to happen to a convicted child rapist in an American jail?
My best friend's dad used to be a prison guard at what was essentially a maximum security convalescense center. Prisoners who were too old or sick to stay at the prison but were serving life sentences and weren't eligible for parole were sent there to either get better, wait out the rest of their sentence, or die.
The few pedophiles who made it that far were so far gone from repeated gang rapes that they had to wear diapers. They don't fuck around with pedophiles in prison. If Jerry Sandusky is smart he's going to beg his lawyer to find a way to segregate him from literally everybody else. He might get by a little easier than the run of the mill pedo by being a football legend, but I'm sure there's going to be some lifer in there with a pair of kids back home who would be happy to trade a couple of months of solitary confinement to rid the world of one more child predator.
I know we've had this debate before, but I still think the most humane thing we can do for people like Sandusky is put them down in the most painless and quick way possible. We're sentencing him to death by putting him in prison anyway.
An alternative would be to create a central prison somewhere in the USA to send all the pedophiles on life sentences, but where the fuck would we build it? I can't think of anywhere in the US that'd allow a pedophile only maximum security prison in their state. Can you imagine the campaign ads? "Governor Shasta Hassenfeffer voted YES on building Disneyland for Pedophiles."