I had pretty bad separation anxiety when I was little, up til really the age of .....I dunno, a couple years ago. I went to therapy for it when I was like 10 or 11 after my dad finally acknowledged that maybe it was an issue. She taught me the usual relaxation techniques, such as diaphragmatic breathing and thought stopping and gave me a tape to listen to when I was home alone for any length of time.
And then I got older and just got the regular ol' generalized anxiety, but it's not diagnosed, nor do I really think it's worth bothering to get it diagnosed. I wouldn't take any anti-anxiety meds even if they were prescribed, so really, it's a waste of time on everyone's part. And then I have a zillion phobias, like bugs, fish (but only if they're in the water with me, not fish in a tank), spiders, sort of the dark (not so much anymore), dolls, puppets, ventriloquist dummies, etc.
And I show a lot of OCD tendencies, but yet again, big deal, what is a diagnosis going to tell me? Therapy's dumb and expensive. And oh yeah, no antidepressants to try to deal with it thanks. I don't want unwanted side effects, such as killing my sex drive or anything like that. And it's not severe enough that I'd need some ECT or brain surgery.