Whether or not the metaphor is literally true (I've heard it is but am not actually in the habit of killing coyotes and leaving their corpses on my front lawn), Brent's right about the problem and Joxam has done a good job of explaining the reason. Big Content has really drunk the Kool-Aid on this one, legitimately believes it's under siege, has no understanding of how the Internet works and, worse, thinks it does and it's anyone who DISAGREES who must be ignorant.
Which is my point. Cutting the DNS language is a good start, but it's not enough; SOPA/PIPA need to fail entirely. And then the OPEN Act, for good measure. And over the next few years, as the MPAA/RIAA continue not to fucking get it and continue to push bullshit like this, all THAT legislation needs to fail too.
Which is still just a good start. You know where I stand on this -- I won't consider our side to be "winning" until the DMCA is repealed.
And then it's on to repealing the 1998 Copyright Act.
And then repealing most of the 1976 Copyright Act.
And then maybe by that point we can start reassessing copyright and its purpose outright.
Meantime? This is a good start.