Man, that is some 1995-ass Web design.
In fairness, it's POSSIBLE those addresses are for the restaurants; it says "Street Address or Restaurant". And most entries do not have a street address.
On the one hand, I don't have a hell of a lot of sympathy for someone who writes "Get a real job" under "Tip" on a piece of paper that has his name on it. If you actually actively insult your server, you're basically daring them to do something like this. Doesn't justify it, but it shouldn't really be a surprise.
Short of that? There are lots of reasons someone might leave a bad tip, many of which boil down to how this economy sucks.
As far as being an effective way of shaming somebody?
Well, either it was a one-time thing or it wasn't. If it was a one-time thing, then telling the Internet about it is unnecessary and unfair. If the person is a HABITUAL lousy tipper, then it's STILL unnecessary, because guess what, every restaurant that person goes to on a regular basis already knows.