Well, I don't think we're oversaturated just yet, and I really don't foresee everything going of without a hitch in terms of scheduling, among other things, but it might be better to maybe outline what you have in mind and then as the existing games fill up, also bearing in mind that Doom has stated intent but isn't on the roster, this is a run on sentence, if there's still demand or when one of the existing groups loses steam or whatever, then maybe offer to run.
I mean, it's still possible that Kazz and Doom's games will fill up quite quickly and we'll have more people wanting in, but I think we're reaching the point where it's better to have some in reserve than just blowing everything all in one massive extravaganza and then having it be difficult to find a group with slots to replace a game if someone has to drop out for scheduling conflict or whatever.
But then, I'm just the guy maintaining the roster thingy so whatever works.