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Author Topic: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: NOSFERATUS WIN  (Read 46491 times)

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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #460 on: July 07, 2012, 03:16:50 PM »

It's not going to be if the bads have to wait to kill the weretiger. The weretiger is a shield to keep one team from winning in a hurry.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #461 on: July 07, 2012, 04:01:51 PM »

And Caithness wants to do the bad's dirty work for them.

Would you prefer to let the Weretiger win? Today could very well be the last of the game.

seriously, this is a strategy that relies on the bads incompetence. If you think the wolves and the vampires are stupid enough to trigger a win condition when they know the weretiger is alive and they know my identity, then by all means, vote for me. But I will reiterate:the fact that you're voting for me is a sign that you aren't innocent.

Another thing:

Lottel is definately scum. There is no question of that. But I'm still not convinced that leaving Friend alive is good idea for *anyone.* Hypothetical scenario; Vampires turn and win and use the Assassin's Blade up for bid up tonight. If lottel turns out to be a wolf, vamps just fufilled a winning condition, winning the game for Friend. We can kill Lottel tommorrow, and I encourage it in fact.

notice a common theme? Defenestration's hypothesis of my victory also relied on a vampire team competent enough to trigger a win condition but too incompetent to kill a known weretiger. It's also obvious that Defenestration is a vampire trying to save Lottel, which is why he concocted such a bullshit hypothetical scenario. I mean, c'mon. Do you really think I'm going to win due to the bads all deciding to fuck up simultaneously?  It's obvious I can't win because I'm a known entity and at the mercy of the lynch, wolves, vampires, vigilante, and anyone with a killing item, but I can certainly expose as many people willing to out themselves to me.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #462 on: July 07, 2012, 04:12:21 PM »

Since today is probably the final day and because I'm not going to win, let me print my final list of suspects:

Caithness - Vampire
Classic - Ninja
Defenestration - Vampire
dtsund - Seer
Envy - Wolf
Friend - deviltiger
gahitsu - Wolfh
Kayma - Wolf
McDohl - ???
Stush - Pi/turned PI

You innocents need to figure out who to kill carefully.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #463 on: July 07, 2012, 04:44:49 PM »

I mean, c'mon. Do you really think I'm going to win due to the bads all deciding to fuck up simultaneously?

I believe you're counting on it. The wolves and vampires could both lose at a game of chicken: each one wants the other to be the one to kill you, and they keep putting it off until it's too late.

But you're right. Our set of bads this time does seem to at least be more competent than the ones in the last game. They've at least managed to avoid killing themselves on each other. Perhaps one of them will be more likely to pull away and pull the trigger on you tonight. Vote rescinded.

I've still got plenty of reason to suspect Defenestration of being a bad, but McDohl's sitting on a scry instead of using it also seems very nefarious to me. You didn't happen to peek at either of them with your devil powers last night, did you?


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #464 on: July 07, 2012, 11:22:12 PM »

I mean, c'mon. Do you really think I'm going to win due to the bads all deciding to fuck up simultaneously?

I believe you're counting on it. The wolves and vampires could both lose at a game of chicken: each one wants the other to be the one to kill you, and they keep putting it off until it's too late.

This is pointless explaining to you since you're a bad anyways, but if I really planned on winning through the bads, why did I bother lynching lottel? I told everyone that he was a vampire ahead of time, and was he not a vampire? I told everyone not to kill Dizzy even though it was in my best interest to kill innocents. It honestly was not in my best interest to kill vampires, since my key to victory would be to widen the gap between the winning team and everyone else. At this point I'm just doing whatever I feel like is in the best interest for the innocents, since I like to root for the underdogs.

But you're right. Our set of bads this time does seem to at least be more competent than the ones in the last game.
They've at least managed to avoid killing themselves on each other. Perhaps one of them will be more likely to pull away and pull the trigger on you tonight. Vote rescinded.
You've misinterpreted me; intentionally or not, I'm not really sure, but I wasn't comparing the competence of this game's bads to last game's bads. And I wouldn't say they've avoided killing each other, since I'm assuming the wolves must have killed dracula. Anyways, I'm sure they've likely decided to pull the trigger on killing me; for all I know, you've probably dug up zaratustra's grave to poison me.

I've still got plenty of reason to suspect Defenestration of being a bad, but McDohl's sitting on a scry instead of using it also seems very nefarious to me. You didn't happen to peek at either of them with your devil powers last night, did you?

Look, drop the pretense, alright? you're obviously backpedaling to disassociate yourself from your vampire buddies. Or are you a wolf? I forget. Anyways, if you've been paying attention to my posts, I've pretty clearly outlined who I have and haven't scried.

Classic, I would appreciate it if you flipped and and killed Caithness. It would clear up this situation immensely. Of course, you're probably wondering why you should trust me. Here's my case: if you feel like it, go back and read my posts: I haven't told a single lie this entire game. I am the only villain who can claim this: Caithness, whose identity is unknown, and has been relatively unhelpful most of this game, shouldn't be nearly as trustworthy as I am. I've done nothing but help the innocents this entire game and I've been upfront with my motives. If you decide to trust someone like Caithness over me, then quite honestly, you and the innos deserve to lose. Of course, this is all assuming that you're still innocent, which, quite honestly, might not be the case. I'm assuming you're still innocent based on your posts. If you're not innocent, you can disregard the case I've made to kill Caithness, since you're probably on the same side anyways.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #465 on: July 07, 2012, 11:55:55 PM »

Since today is probably the final day and because I'm not going to win, let me print my final list of suspects:

Caithness - Vampire
Classic - Ninja
Defenestration - Vampire
dtsund - Seer
Envy - Wolf
Friend - deviltiger
gahitsu - Wolfh
Kayma - Wolf
McDohl - ???
Stush - Pi/turned PI

You innocents need to figure out who to kill carefully.
I'm a little miffed you told everyone I'm the ninja, but whatever.

I'm basically the shittiest turn/kill on the board since I'm likely to kill myself and I can afford to grandstand a little:
Innocents, we need to force the bads to kill each other and kill Friend if we want to win.
Keeping at least one bad from each team alive extends the game a little longer.

At this point, I believe that Friend is playing more-or-less straight. His only hope is if one team doesn't realize how close they are to a victory, but if he's right, it will take at the minimum 3 deaths to finish the game. I can't flip out because then all he would need to do is murder a non-wolf to claim victory.

I say that today we pick a "known" wolf, and let the bads kill Friend.

Caithness, if you use the undetectable poison to kill Friend or you'll lose for sure. Please don't throw the game like a chump.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #466 on: July 08, 2012, 12:34:41 AM »

I say that today we pick a "known" wolf, and let the bads kill Friend.

Who were you thinking of picking?


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #467 on: July 08, 2012, 01:49:12 AM »

I agree with Classic; let the monsters waste their time killing The Friend.

I can't recall a game where I've been so spectacularly in the dark, but if you're asking me who to pick, I'd want to try McDohl, since he seems to be an enigma to our esteemed weretiger.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #468 on: July 08, 2012, 10:42:13 AM »

I say that today we pick a "known" wolf, and let the bads kill Friend.

Who were you thinking of picking?

I didn't have an opinion between the two players that Lottel put forward (Kayma or Envy). The Devil/Weretiger friend corroborated on both, but I can't think of a reason for the vampires to mislead us about who the wolves are. Also, Lottel thinks pretty highly of Kayma's wolf abilities, so it'd fit his MO to scry Kayma, which is why I always lump them together.

So the question is, do we want to test these calls on the known strong player who's participating (Kayma) or the player of questionable ability who's currently being quiet, ostensibly due to work (Envy). I'm out of my hammertime to wait for Envy to pop in and defend himself.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #469 on: July 08, 2012, 11:14:38 AM »

Well Classic, you've forced my hand. I still don't know how many vampires are in the game but you can't always get what you want. I use my pendant on Caithness.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #470 on: July 08, 2012, 11:16:35 AM »



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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #471 on: July 08, 2012, 12:17:09 PM »

Waiting for the pendant to resolve before placing my own vote.
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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #472 on: July 08, 2012, 01:14:21 PM »

Well, unless he was bluffing and doesn't actually have the pendant, I'm dead. But maybe there's still time for me to call Air Bud with my dying breath.

And now that I can't use the poison to take out Friend, you're going to have to forego your turn tonight and kill him, Defenestration. He's sure to buy Wolfsbane to prevent a wolf-kill, after all.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #473 on: July 08, 2012, 01:22:14 PM »

I say that today we pick a "known" wolf, and let the bads kill Friend.

Who were you thinking of picking?

I didn't have an opinion between the two players that Lottel put forward (Kayma or Envy). The Devil/Weretiger friend corroborated on both, but I can't think of a reason for the vampires to mislead us about who the wolves are. Also, Lottel thinks pretty highly of Kayma's wolf abilities, so it'd fit his MO to scry Kayma, which is why I always lump them together.

So the question is, do we want to test these calls on the known strong player who's participating (Kayma) or the player of questionable ability who's currently being quiet, ostensibly due to work (Envy). I'm out of my hammertime to wait for Envy to pop in and defend himself.

But classic, we have a "Known" wolf. You scried them using the PI [Who is me] last night, Why didn't you put their name forwards as someone to go after? I didn't say anything because I was waiting to see what you said, and that you said you wanted to go after a "known" wolf and then name two people who aren't the wolf we scried last night is sort of suspicious.

I want to wait to see what you have to say for yourself, see if you have some kind of strategy. Unfortunately, since i need to go to class now and i'll be there all day, I probably won't be back until it's too late, and we don't really have time to spare, so i'm just gonna have to blurt it out, like usual.

Gahitsu is a werewolf.

[Sorry, guys, I wanted to be more strategic, but I have to go away all freaking day, and if I held it in and we lynched an innocent or something, I'd feel like a total idiot. :(]


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #474 on: July 08, 2012, 01:31:43 PM »

Because Gahitsu is also the vampire hunter. That's why. He's a character who ferret out which of Friend's vampire role claims are accurate at no risk to the innocents.

Oh shit, you're a vampire. God dammit.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #475 on: July 08, 2012, 01:35:00 PM »

Now might be a good time for you to flip out and kill Friend.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #476 on: July 08, 2012, 02:01:59 PM »

*rolls eyes* Go die already. Cait has no reason to lie about being a wolf from my perspective. Let's shoot for one of the other confirmed wolves. Envy is incompetent, so I vote for Kayma.
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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #477 on: July 08, 2012, 02:02:32 PM »

I can't flip out, if the innocents want any chance of winning I need to save my flip out for a critical bad. Not a known bad that both teams should be killing tonight.

OK. I "know" who four wolves are:

Envy and Kayma are suspect because I didn't see that info myself, but again, I can't imagine Lottel having any reason to lie.

Defenestration is probably some mode of vampire, but we're a lot more in the dark about them because both Lottel and Friend have reason to lie about who is and isn't one.
We've got one of the original vamps dead, and 3 turned dead. With the worst-case turned count of 5, I'm the last innocent.
With the best-case turned count, we've got one vampire.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #478 on: July 08, 2012, 03:07:13 PM »

And now that I can't use the poison to take out Friend, you're going to have to forego your turn tonight and kill him, Defenestration. He's sure to buy Wolfsbane to prevent a wolf-kill, after all.

No shit I'm going to buy wolfsbane, but if you kill me, defenestration, you're leaving yourself to get fucked up the ass by the wolves.


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Re: Nosferatus vs. Lycanthropes IX point V: Day 6
« Reply #479 on: July 08, 2012, 03:24:03 PM »

Don't buy his bluff. He's got to get the lightsaber if he wants any chance of winning. He can't afford to buy up wolfsbane. I can't believe I'm agreeing with a known vamp, but I think we've gotta get Kayma so that Gahitsu can use the vampire hunter power to kill him, and let the wolves proper kill Friend.
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