Walking Dead #60: well, that's another full six issues with [spoiler]nobody dying[/spoiler]. I mean, a couple horrible things happened -- Maggie tried to kill herself and Carl was almost raped -- but by this book's standards, the last twelve issues have been downright fucking SEDATE.
It looks like that's about to change. Dale wonders, at the end of the issue, if they're going to find themselves meeting someone "even worse" than the Governor -- not likely, but the preview pics for the next arc make it clear they're about to meet some more nasty people. Someone in the lettercol wonders what happened to the Hestons and Nugents of the world in the zombie apocalypse, and it looks like we're about to find out; the promo pics show the heroes being hunted by militia men.
It's still going to be tough to top the viciousness of the Made to Suffer arc -- and I don't really want to see Kirkman try, because I have a sneaking suspicion that he could if he wanted to -- but very bad things are going to happen.
Likeliest picks to die: Dale and Morgan. Least likely: Rick, Carl, Eugene, Abraham, Michonne -- which means one or two of them may die anyway just to shake things up. Anyone in-between is a distinct possibility.
EDIT: Oh hell, why not, quick rundown on my reasoning:
Dale: he's old, he's crippled, and there's a rift growing between him and Rick. Odds are that before he goes he'll catch Rick talking on the phone and there will be a big blowup. (Also, one of the preview pics shows him literally with a target on him. Though that could be misdirection.)
Morgan: An obvious one. He's fucking crazy and I don't think there's much left of his character arc.
Rick: He's going to die sooner or later, but I don't think now's the time. A few issues back, after the "Carl almost gets raped" story, would have been an appropriate time, but at this point I just have a feeling he'll be sticking around for a few arcs yet.
Carl: Rick's not going to outlive Carl. He'll die protecting him, or at least trying to. Either they die around the same time or Carl outlives Rick.
Eugene: Maybe he doesn't belong on the "unlikely" list. I still think Kirkman's sudden about-face after a few dozen lettercols' worth of swearing he'd never reveal the cause of the outbreak is more than a little suspicious. It's still quite probable that Eugene either dies or turns out to be lying before we get any answers. But I have a hunch he's going to make it through the next arc.
Abraham and Michonne: the toughest characters in the book. They're going to be awfully hard to kill. Not impossible -- they're both a little crazy and neither one of them is bulletproof. My prediction is that if either of them is killed, it won't be by zombies.
And on the "maybe, maybe not" list:
Maggie: She's decided she wants to live. Uh-oh.
Glenn and Andrea: aside from Rick, Carl, and Dale, they're the last remainder of the original cast. Maybe that means they stick around, or maybe it means it's time for some housecleaning.
The twins: that bit with [spoiler]the cat[/spoiler] was creepy, and there's some serious Chekov's Gun going on there. I think something very bad is going to happen. Carl seems to be handling what's happened as well as can possibly be imagined (he's less crazy than most of the adults at this point), but the other kids don't have his fortitude. One of them is showing straight-up [spoiler]sociopathic tendencies[/spoiler] at this point.
Rosita: out of the entire cast at this point, we know the least about her. That could mean she's got some development coming, or it could mean she's a Redshirt. It could even mean a WiR situation where she dies and Abraham flips out.