Oh, actually I reload at Turn 71 with 0/3 fans and end turn. Houjou attacks, stomp them. Mouri attacks three times and I scout Chinu... after all, surely this monotonous task will require an incredible deal of loading/reloading grinding, right?
Boing! 2/3 Maids acquired!
OK we actually start Turn 72 and use the "Ask Ryouma about Mouri" option and we get to the current point of Turn 72 and 2/3 Fans. We recruit Chinu from prison.
6s and 7s in everything, 5 flags, starts with the improved AoE Miko Heal and can use a Preparation spell for AoE enemy damage. And comes with 1000 Stack! I think I'm in love.
Here are Gon, Ryouma, Yuzuru and Mine's stats just because.
He has improved Guard building(120% a turn or better) and Fellow Troops' Revenge for dealing surprise damage when near death. His stats are great for fighting. 7 Attack, 7 Defense, 5 Speed. Flags are slightly low and he can only fight but that's to be expected from a quiet guy.
Ooof Ryouma has above-average stats but is really dull for a Ninja unit. You'd have to rush her Affection and give her some new abilities and a passive.
Mine has solid 5s or 6s in everything and can even help you with diplomacy with Negotiate 5 and Construction 5. She starts with Charge(spend a Flag and a turn to buff self with +70% attack) but 3 Flags kinda sucks. Gamble Charge is a chance to deal random damage between 50-200% of a regular melee if you like reloading a lot or living dangerously.
Yuzuru has a good bunch of 6s, an odd 4 in Defense, slightly worse bureaucrat stats and 4 Action Flags, as well as Charge and Gamble Charge again. Above-average.
Overall I'd say Takuga would be a fantastic House to clear for establishing the core of your army if you wanted to do say, an Ashikaga -> Mouri -> Takuga -> Akashi clear. Mix them up as you like, but bear in mind that you're clearing three Gourd Houses immediately by heading west with Ashikaga/Mouri/Akashi. Between Takuga and Mouri's Daughters you'll end up with a hell of a stable, though. If Mouri doesn't crush you.
Fighting Mouri several times throughout the reloads, I can say that his HP seems to only grow if he was KO'd before and that he always deals 200 HP to any unit any time he attacks. It can be reduced to 150 by Defense Boost. This makes Mouri vastly more dangerous early game where he will hit units for 1/3 or 1/2 of their Stack every time and a bit of a joke late game. But just to keep you on your toes, every other unit in Mouri's House scales fantastically well into late game and I hear that Mouri becomes a regular bad ass army unit when uncursed so if it's late game, bam, another unique Commander to stomp your ass in.
Alrighty! Two Action Fans left! But, I've been reading up on the conditions for uncursing Mouri and Character Clearing the Daughters and I think I need to catch Kiku first. TIME FOR SOME RELOADING FUN TIMES! ... ... ... after six attempts I realize that the defenders Mouri is using for this turn are set in stone and Kiku isn't among them. It will probably be easier to scout his 2-3 attacks between turns and poach her there.
So we look around... hmm. One of the three Houjou provinces has let itself be beaten down to 3/4 taken by my Permit Holders. We move in to finish the job.
They send guys to try and stop us. I guess. Sweep sweep, sweep sweep.
Losing the war against Oda, Souun is burdened with troubling news...
Souun vanishes and Houjou elect a temporary Lord, maintaining their At-War status with us. If this wasn't my second playthrough I'd get Ran out of jail and follow the plot prompts to save Souun, it's pretty easy. However, this will change my route to Ran's Story if I do that now. I'll make a back-up save and probably come back to it after I clear the game on True History route.
We impose a levy and end Turn 72. I've been feeding +Attack Books to Yukihime and she's gone from a pathetic 1 to a reasonable 4 so far. Not bad.