The Rance series is rather long-running(this is the seventh game) and I think at this point it's a great deal of tradition and Rance wouldn't be Rance otherwise, especially to the fans. Obviously it's a pain to mass market the game, but I've become a big fan of the humor, as we'll soon see...
We join Rance, Sill and Kouhime at the Dango Cafe. We haven't heard anybody butchering anybody else outside, so let's Chekov's Gun some shit.
Nobunaga and Kouhime have private guard units that we can never use in fights. Chekov'd!
Whoops. I guess you got the discount ninjas, Kouhime. Give them back, I need them to scout.
WOAH! A BEAUTIFUL POET! *jaw drops, tongue rolls out like a carpet*
The next screen-cap's line had me howling with laughter for three minutes straight, at which point I knew Sengoku Rance had won my heart forever.
After massaging her ass a bit, we remove her panties... OH NO!!!Warning us that more traps await in her lovely bits, Rance tells us what a man does when faced with obvious danger.Fingering Suzume, we discover... "If you had inserted your dick first, it would have burst." The importance of foreplay, folks.And from there, Imperial Juice.
Having fucked the evil out of her, we let Suzume go. Don't worry, 50 Ninjas is like 200 Rance Dollars to replenish.
I get 5 Satisfaction for banging Suzume, which corrects what I said earlier. Maybe the Satisfaction bonus from before was always 3 points?
Either way, I've gone up to 13 points, which is more then 10, so Satisfaction bonus! Every 10 points, Rance can burn an Action Fan to reflect on what a good mood he is in and resolve to work harder for Oda. The bonuses for doing so are incredible and game-defining, so if you languish or turtle and don't conquer land and fuck women, your odds of victory are nill.
Hopy Shit what do all these mean.
Call for Reinforcements will summon a new unique NPC unit in about 3 turns from Rance-World's other alternate Earth countries, Leazus or Zeth, which are both sort of traditional fantasy instead of Japanese fantasy. Or something. Leazus favors martial might, Zeth favors magical might. We won't use that bonus yet, but I recruited from the Leazus path last time so I'm going with Zeth later.
Rance's Rance Attack is what we're taking this time and I'll cover that when I use it in battle. It unlocks a super-move for Rance that consumes all of his Action Flags.
Replacing Rance's troops with elites boosts all of his combat stats except Action Flags by 1 Point. We want to feed Rance stat books up until their limit of 6 before we use that.
Katsuie begins the first 30 or so turns of the game with a mild injury. Healing it grants him +Intelligence and +Speed or something. Not really worth it.
We can make a generic, Maeda Toshiie, become a ... Kabuki Actor? It doesn't do much at first and you need to blow a second Satisfaction bonus later to transform Maeda into an improved unit, but I don't give a shit about generics. Note that this is the sort of thing you'd have to do for full Completionist credit.
The Mannequin Cat is a good item with a huge drawback I don't want to deal with. Sometimes we get access to other items that are good and I'll take them later.
Recruit Amazing Old Man?! How amazing?! How old?! I actually like this one as it will recruit a famous Japanese politician(complete with grainy photo portrait) to your army. They're bad at fighting but have 8s in every bureaucrat stat! I enjoy having one around.
Complete Heal all units is self-explanatory and not worth it unless you're in the middle of a game-ending emergency, in which case it probably won't do the trick. Troop maximum affects Rance's unit only, making it a poor sale compared to +50 Max for EVERY commander. When you have 20+ Commanders, that's 1000 free Recruit. A really great default option if you've exhausted the better unique bonuses.
Weaken Enemy countries is... weird. It's probably great, but I've only used it once and it felt like a placebo effect.
Battle Prep is Battle Morale and totally zzzzzzz. Might be great if blown before a super-hard battle, like trying to finish off a Takeda province.
Again, we grab Rance Attack and begin Turn 6.