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Author Topic: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!  (Read 122175 times)

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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #240 on: July 25, 2012, 02:18:12 PM »

Kentarou with some between turns exposition.

Give Kazemaru a +1 Affection Gift and chat with him.

Character Clear'd! Teaching him Light Attack(20% Damage, +Capture stacking per hit) just in case. Then I search for a treasure(equip for +Dungeon Damage, should help with that Hades boss) and use Rance's 190 Satisfaction Bonus for +50 Max Troops to all Commanders.

And then...

We did it! Satisfcation 204! Turn 97 ends.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #241 on: July 25, 2012, 02:31:38 PM »



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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #242 on: July 25, 2012, 02:34:24 PM »

We bump into Miki between turns!

I guess we'll pick the wait option. I use Rance's Satisfaction 200 Bonus for another +50 Troops to all. Then I dismiss Inukai and... and...

John- Reunite With Your Loving Wife and Daughter



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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #243 on: July 25, 2012, 03:02:51 PM »

We declare war on the One Eye House!

And attack to take two of their territories... the first province is 8 territories deep, the second is 5. It's quite a huge bit of land.

Youkai Armies look cool as Hell!

We get some cutscenes of life with Masamune...

Agh! He... he's outdone me! The bastard!
Masa 2.

But nothing significant yet and end Turn 98.

As Turn 99 starts, 3G proves he is a 3Bro.

We take another bit of One Eye land(3/8) and finally it seems the Guardians are going to answer our call.

Nogiku promptly trips down the stairs.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #244 on: July 25, 2012, 03:27:21 PM »

Alrighty I hope you like convoluted because here we go.

I've been scouting these battles and waiting for a chance to capture Masamune's wives. The only way to capture Nogiku is to recruit Kazemaru and boost his Affection until he has Hibachi as his sub-commander. That's it. That's the only way. Immune to capture otherwise. Now, why are those two so integral to this???

Because Hibachi's style of chain is used to bind Nogiku. They don't even specifically do it themselves... it just sort of... is a trigger. Note that the Wives don't have regular Capture chances, they're automatically caught if you satisfy the requirements and defeat them in battle. Esoteric, huh?! No Satisfaction bonus but we do capture Nogiku. So naturally another Guardian decides to come on down.

Her head seems really weird if you ask me, like they fucked up with the anime style a bit.
Oh God What

Well that explains it! We capture Orime. Her tag is easier but also esoteric: you need a Ninja in your army. Redundant since Suzume auto-recruits and won't leave you and can't be dismissed. But anyways, you need a Ninja to spoil Orime's get-away.

I guess we'll clear one of the newbie dungeons I left behind in Iga. It's very dull low-level nonsense.

These guys again?

I get an Action Textbook 2 from the shared set of useful rewards(it can be used on any class unlike the restrictions of Action Textbook 1) and I guess we found an old Ogre cult/mummy tomb. Zzzz. Turn 99 ends.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #245 on: July 25, 2012, 03:46:43 PM »

Noir's a tougher fighter than the others but easiest to catch: just defeat her. That's it!

Let me explain, this hentai link is a hentai link.

Damn! All of the wives have fantastic stats with 7s and 8s across the board but apparently Youkai didn't have much of a government or they didn't take part in it. Noir has Commander Charge and Nogiku has All Guard. Orime continues the inexplicable tradition of recruiting Ninjas with great stats but no useful skills.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #246 on: July 25, 2012, 03:57:53 PM »

The last Castle in the first province is a weird stall comp.

Even with a 50% combined Miko Storm I can't quite overcome the Castle Morale bonus. I'll need to do this next turn with my absolute heaviest hitters. Two Fans left, so I knock out a Panda Hunt. Tengu Guy's unit is now 4245 strong! Hmm, interesting. Kiku has a new cutscene available at 7/7 Affection. Didn't notice it earlier somehow.

Kiku Character Clears and I grab the Clear Bonus passive for her. My score is currently 69 and I anticipate beating the game with like 50+ points. Feels great! And that's Turn 100.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #247 on: July 25, 2012, 04:22:43 PM »

Between turns more cute times with Miss Kou.

Then we take a real stomper of a team back to that first province...

Ah, the ol' Uruzua + Kenshin combo. We take their land and impose a levy and find some treasure, a book that gives +40% Field Power when equipped. There's a set of books like this for Castle, Field and Dungeon so far.

And... finally, the ultimate prize!

Long ago I referred to Natori as the second most broken unit in the game. Omachi is the first! As an aside I'd like to say that the Youkai are much beefier than the usual enemy comps but tend to have the same sort of goofiness about them, like comps of 1 Warrior + 4 Foot Soldiers on Offense. I guess it'd be far more threatening if I hadn't already poached most of their unique Commanders.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #248 on: July 25, 2012, 04:30:22 PM »

Elsewhere... in the long ignored Shimazu territory...

the Demon Army...


The Demon Army takes over the four original Shimazu provinces and the nearest Mouri province whether you, him or anyone else might have it. They have a few specific rules and they always arrive 5 turns after Nobunagula's defeat at Honnouji.

1) Every 2-3 turns Nobunagula will execute the Lord of a remaining House and take all of their provinces for the Demon Army. The Demon Army is always roughly the same size but this spontaneously increases the amount of land you have to conquer and the land they can attack from. It also obviously denies you any recruitment opportunities conquering that House might have given you. The only House powerful enough to ignore this is One Eye House!

2) The Demon Army has end-game stats at all times which means Stacks of 2000+ and unique Commanders(starting with the Shimazu Brothers) of 3000+.

3) The first thing the Demon Army does... is the Takeda Blitz +1. They will very, very shortly attack five times in a row. It'll be signaled.

4) It gets worse.

Edit: Oh yeah and Permits don't let you take their land faster, you'll burn the troops and always be repelled.

The Demon Army is the dreaded *PLOT* I've long been referring to and building up for. They're pretty much guaranteed to annihilate you on your first few playthroughs... [spoiler]I hear there's an event where if you're losing incredibly badly you get a chance to drive through to the plot necessary provinces and still win the game... though if you ask me if you're doing that badly there's no way in Hell you can beat the last bosses anyway.[/spoiler]


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #249 on: July 25, 2012, 11:02:58 PM »

I wonder whose skull that is?

Also, who made the monkey's little cape? It's too adorable.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #250 on: July 26, 2012, 03:54:42 PM »

Oh right, I forgot the scariest part of the Demon Army. Battle Permits always fail to take their territory, though I think they can recover territory. So if you try to invade with them you'll lose troops for nothing but perhaps you can use them to stall the invading Demon Army... either way, the God Damn Demon Army. I unequip all Battle Permits for the rest of the game.

Turn 102. I've let Houjou have their last province for so long because I wanted to see if Ran would give me a chance to save Souun but since this is New Game+ no dice. So we're going to blitz through their last province, Edo... which is three Castles in a row. Groan! After a few reloads against less than stellar Generic comps with a lot of Stack to chew through to nail Morale victories...

We claim the spoils of Victory! Satisfaction 209! And that took three Fans so we use our last to impose a levy. Turn 102 is over just that fast! We captured the Idol Samurai Girl...

Above average stats and the passive that increases her Stack for free each turn. If you rush Houjou and feed her Textbooks you can end up with a ridiculous Super Warrior unit.

Between turns... it gets worse.

AGH ONE OF MY WAIFUS! Chinu will always die one turn after the Demon Army arrives due to being a descendant of the Apostle Sealing Monks/Diviners. The only way to avoid it is to go on the Ran Route or KILL THE MONKEY in New Game+. God Damn Monkey.

And then it gets... moe.

Kouhime is actually a really great Foot Soldier. She starts with All Guard and a passive that gives her 100% Guard at the start of every battle. In other words, Kouhime will always intercept the first single target attack in any battle! Her stats are good for Defending too(all 5s) except for her 2 Attack, but she's trying her best, damnit! Can be fixed with Textbooks or by just using her to build Guard the entire battle. Her Counter-attack damage will stink but an All Guarder that can stack Guard quickly is really great. Much better than Kentarou!


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #251 on: July 26, 2012, 04:05:57 PM »

Turn 103. We throw Ran out on her ass because she's not gonna unlock plot anything and we decide to go recruit some new Waifus. With super-powers and shit. All of Masamune's wives have 7s or better in every combat stat and a passive to regenerate health each round in battle. With Dungeon Level Caps of 45/50 they're also useful for padding out a Dungeon Crew. But the real need here is that they hold the secret... to defeating Masamune!

But uh first we increase our National Cap by one so we can cover the cost! Then we chat 'em up.

Then I search for a treasure in the Youkai province I took.

Not bad, will give it to Nogiku. I'm out of Commanders who can actually Construct well so I'll need to use my last two Fans on some time-wasters since I don't want to be too unguarded if the Demon Army attacks. We go to Road to Hades. Again. It's worth it, really! After clearing it this time I'll start at Floor 12/18 next time! We can almost just walk up to that Super Boss... Then we chat with one of the waifus...

Hey hey and that's Turn 103 I sure hope the Demon Army Blitz doesn't happen next.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #252 on: July 26, 2012, 04:18:08 PM »

The Demon Army attacks between turns! Just Shimazu regulars for now...

But he attacks Twice and all my guys are Exhausted from complicated Prison negotiations so we let Nobunagula have 1/3 of one of our provinces. Drat!

Ah, there we go. This signals the coming Shimazu Blitz! My Body Is Ready.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #253 on: July 26, 2012, 04:31:58 PM »

At the start of Turn 104 Kouhime gives us an item.

Exactly what it says on the tin. Guard Shikigami's prevent all damage from any source, direct or AoE. However it also blocks Counter-Attack damage and consumes the charge if you use it while attacking a unit that deals Counter-Attack damage so in this case we'll give it to Kouhime for her start of turn 100% All Guard. Rance was right!

Here's a shot of my End Game stats! Noir, Nogiku and Orime need to be Stack boosted with cash a bit but they were just recruited so it's forgivable. I've been feeding Kentarou stat books as fast as I can find them to make him not God Awful. It's barely working. I really hate how bad his stats are for a mandatory unit you're not going to get until Turn 50-100+. We need to save as many Commanders as possible to handle the Shimazu Blitz so... let's talk to folks. Dilly dally. That sort of thing.

I've chatted with each of Masamune's waifus once. I guess I'll increase their affection a bit later or conquer more Youkai land later to try and trigger the cutscene about Masamune specifically. Or maybe I need to face Omachi first.

A new option is up in very specific territories... it'll increase Kentarou's Dungeon levels by 5 each time. We do two. I don't like Kentarou much but leveling him is really useful and important later since he wields a Demon Killing Sword much like Rance's Chaos.

Bonk Bonk That's Turn 104.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #254 on: July 26, 2012, 04:47:39 PM »

Between turns...

Xavier doesn't need the final 3 Gourds since Kurohime has a plot power. And speaking of plot, Miki is suppressing the Demon King by eating a super rare lemon from a far away land but fortunately she has a good supply of them!!!!!!

Still no Blitz and recruiting so many Commanders is stressing my National Power Cap. We go on another Kentarou Adventure.

Build +1 National Power with a cheapo Development, clear Road to Hades again and use our very first Back At Rance's Place for Satisfaction 210. Turn 105 is over.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #255 on: July 26, 2012, 05:39:36 PM »

The first time you use Kouhime against the Demon Army a cutscene will play.



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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #256 on: July 26, 2012, 05:43:49 PM »


Everytime you defend against the Demon Army a unique track plays. It rules hard.

Sengoku Rance OST - Ontlogy

Lord of Shimazu, Yoshihisa is a Staller with a twist: he has Counter-Attack 2 and will mulch anyone that attacks him. You either need a Monk to drop his Guard or to work around him with the Double Guard trick(when another Foot Soldier has 100% or more Guard, attack Yoshihisa to force them to defend him) or with Ranged attacks and AoE so you don't eat the Counter-Attack damage. It also helps to have Percentage-based Damage due to the general chunkiness of the heavy Foot Soldier comp. Commander Charges and Side Attacks will also work to deny the Counters. You could also out-stall with a Wall Comp and Morale attacking moves from Tacticians or something.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #257 on: July 26, 2012, 05:47:49 PM »

Kazuhisa is a ferocious Warrior with an Offensive Comp. One good Foot Soldier should be able to block most of his attacks and having Defense Boost and Guard up at the same time will neuter his damage. The rest is picking off his allies or hitting him with overwhelming force to survive his natural Counter due to his huge Stack and Attack.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #258 on: July 26, 2012, 05:51:15 PM »

A Musket unit with a colossal Stack, the only ways to survive Toshihisa's volleys(he gets two!) are to Alpha him before the first, block with Guard Shikigamis, exhaust his Action Flags before he moves(Kenshin + Uruza if you can get Uruza to go before he does) or to force him to fire upon a Foot Soldier with Guard up. Ideally with a Defense Boost... I had a stroke of genius here and saved on how many Commanders I'd need to use which is pretty important for a 5 part Defense(5x6 = 30 Commanders needed for full Comps each Defense! Good luck with any pure Bureaucrats...) Teru makes this an easy win even with the enemy Monk. I have Fuuka heal Teru exclusively.


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Re: I'll Rape Japan! Let's Play Sengoku Rance!
« Reply #259 on: July 26, 2012, 05:54:05 PM »

Iehisa is the "genius Tactician" trope but his Comps tend to be the worst out of the entire Demon Army/Shimazu. His stats are above average so his damage can surprise and spike you if he doesn't get stuck on the usual Tactician AI hang-ups(removing your debuffs at all costs, but I was out of Tacticians...) We get away with a bad Comp anyway because his is worse. I actually spend a lot of turns skipping on Attacks because of all the +Attack and +Defense boosts flying around and claim a Morale victory without getting myself Counter-attacked to death. Orime survives and we're 4 for 4 so far!
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