Oh right, I forgot the scariest part of the Demon Army. Battle Permits always fail to take their territory, though I think they can recover territory. So if you try to invade with them you'll lose troops for nothing but perhaps you can use them to stall the invading Demon Army... either way, the God Damn Demon Army. I unequip all Battle Permits for the rest of the game.
Turn 102. I've let Houjou have their last province for so long because I wanted to see if Ran would give me a chance to save Souun but since this is New Game+ no dice. So we're going to blitz through their last province, Edo... which is three Castles in a row. Groan! After a few reloads against less than stellar Generic comps with a lot of Stack to chew through to nail Morale victories...
We claim the spoils of Victory! Satisfaction 209! And that took three Fans so we use our last to impose a levy. Turn 102 is over just that fast! We captured the Idol Samurai Girl...
Above average stats and the passive that increases her Stack for free each turn. If you rush Houjou and feed her Textbooks you can end up with a ridiculous Super Warrior unit.
Between turns... it gets worse.
AGH ONE OF MY WAIFUS! Chinu will always die one turn after the Demon Army arrives due to being a descendant of the Apostle Sealing Monks/Diviners. The only way to avoid it is to go on the Ran Route or KILL THE MONKEY in New Game+. God Damn Monkey.
And then it gets... moe.
Kouhime is actually a really great Foot Soldier. She starts with All Guard and a passive that gives her 100% Guard at the start of every battle. In other words, Kouhime will always intercept the first single target attack in any battle! Her stats are good for Defending too(all 5s) except for her 2 Attack, but she's trying her best, damnit! Can be fixed with Textbooks or by just using her to build Guard the entire battle. Her Counter-attack damage will stink but an All Guarder that can stack Guard quickly is really great. Much better than Kentarou!