Let's consider this.
Classic asserts that a Binocular Pal knows that the ship is in the 9-square range from B4 to D6. Beat Bandit, you're claiming to have used your once-per-game power to ID the ship as in column 4.
If everyone is telling the truth, the ship is in either B4, C4, or D4. However, Geothermal chose to vote E4, rejecting Classic's claim. I don't know what reason he has for believing this, but I have strong reasons for believing Geo is innocent. (A player claimed to be the Lieutenant. We decided to try to kill Geo last night, and he's fine, so I'm betting he's innocent. I guess my contact could be lying? It seems pretty far-fetched considering that none of the players I've been communicating with have tried to influence my voting patterns at all, so far as I can tell.)
So while I am convinced of Geo's innocence, E4 makes less and less sense. If they're going to use their Captain's power, why wouldn't they use it to get closer? If I understand ship movement correctly, they could use it to get to E5 along the same route and with literally no penalty whatsoever. I think Geo's taking the notion of the ship being confined to column 4 and trying to make his vision of what the ship would do fit into that scenario. He is probably gambling that the person lying is Classic.
I disagree. I think the person lying is you, Beat Bandit. There was a lot of interest in D4 before you piped up with your role claim (I am voting for this again), and it makes sense—the ship was pretty hemmed-in before Zara grabbed it. It's been shot, and its position is known, and it didn't have a lot of great routes available to it. I feel like your public request for Kazz to give you the results of your night action was carefully-crafted drama designed to throw us off the trail. I think we were right on-target all along.