Alright, if I ever had a fault it was underestimating the goddamn idiocy of the common man. And the common man in this case is Destil. He's either absolutely fucking retarded, or a not-particularly-smart thing doing an excellent job pretending to be absolutely fucking retarded. Honestly, that would be such a dumb move for a thing that I wouldn't even advocate the test except that... hell, it was so fucking thick that the possibility exists that he thought we might not test him for it. Really, it was that stupid, and taking it any further would be some kind of reverse-Vizzini.
Friend: A minimum of analysis would reveal that so far both Kazz and I have made sub-optimal moves for things, and optimal moves for humans. Kazz hit a human, but it was also one of the humans highest on the list who happened to have me tied up, and yeah, we both tried to get Caith to lay off before making that decision. We agreed on hitting Kayma afterward, and it worked out.
Anyway, even after Ok committed us to this ludicrous all-in strategy, that double bomb wouldn't have been the optimum move for even one remaining thing. There would have been far more ambiguity over who was armed with what, and room to argue. Unless Kazz was damn near certain that I was going to somehow get him tested when the only confirmed human was positive that I was a thing (and still entertains the possibility) then there wasn't much sense in collusion. That'd be getting into some serious Moriarty shit, honestly. The possibility exists that Kazz and I are some brilliant-human/desperate-thing combination, either way around. I wouldn't bet on it, so even if you're going to coinflip this shit I would consider weighting the probability a bit more. You know why I whimsically wanted to kill Kazz early on? Because he's fucking smart. Probably the same reason Caith doesn't trust me right now, ironically enough. Hell, if Kazz is a thing I'd actually be disappointed right now, unless he's doing some bizarre thing where he actually lowered his chance of winning because it was more important that I personally facilitated the win. Which is romantic, but there are limits to even my vanity. If Caith weren't double confirmed he'd be higher on my list at this point.
This has already descended into imbecilic self destruction. Do a test on Dest and then... just what the fuck ever.