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Author Topic: I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT I'M DOING - Let's Play Civilization IV: Beyond the Sword!  (Read 3415 times)

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But my cultural power is such that Montezuma's southernmost city revolts, because it wants to be a part of my nation. Way to choose the winning team, guys.

I remembered that if you click while the video plays, it tells you what the Wonder does, so I don't have to.

Wall Street is a National Wonder. Every nation can build one, but only one. Wall Street doubles the dolla dolla billz a city produces. Poverty Point, already my ironically-named money generator, starts on that.

Meanwhile Cahokia, my only city with a scientific Academy, starts on Oxford University, which doubles SCIENCE POWER!!

Railroads let units speed across the map at ten tiles per movement point (instead of a road's maximum of three). They also boost the production capability of mines and stuff.

And that's me getting into the early Industrial era. And flattening half of Spain.


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I can hear "I got pig iron. I got pig iron. I got all pig iron." over and over again in my brain.


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Wow, uh... how come I never heard of Robert Brent (OR Robert Brent) before?  Seems like something that would come up in my life.


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I am enjoying Civilization.


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Yeah, civilization is rad. This LP's pretty cool too.

This made me want to play any Civ again, but before I could locate my Civ3 disks (the latest installment I own) I remembered I was burned out on the series pretty hard. If I ever have to order a spearman in the fog of war again, help me God.

So I dusted off Galactic Civilizations II instead. And I'm sending Scouts into the fog of war.

Brain problems etc. etc.

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Pick up 4 or 5 from the steam sale.


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Even with sales, I would assume buying games from a series I'm burned out on would turn out to be an unfavorable investment. I'm sure they're great games, and if this LP is any indication I would say at least one of them is. But many long years ago I've partaken of that glorious ambrosia until I was sated, and I, to this day, know not hunger.


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And I'm sending Scouts into the fog of war.

Now I can build my own Scouts.


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Those are new. Neat.

A National wonder, the Moai statues allow you to pull some production out of the water in addition to food and commerce. They're also good for shooting down any starships that happen to fly by.

Great Spies are new to the espionage changes in this expansion, so not sure how to proceed here. Great Spies can join a city to increase its espionage and income, or they can build Scotland Yard to double the espionage output of a city. Like a Great Scientist and its Academy, it's almost always better to build the building in a new city than slightly increase the espionage output of any city.

Mass Transit systems are new, and increase the health of cities that have them (by avoiding pollution, so technically they should decrease sickness, but :shrug:).

State Property negates city upkeep penalties for cities being far away from your capital, which is great for almost any size empire. But in this expansion it also negates the effects of corporations, which I haven't had a chance to experiment with yet.

I'm pretty sure no amount of aid will negate Montezuma thinking of us as his worst enemy, so fuck 'em.

My counterintelligence has caught several spies roaming through my lands already, but this is the first time they're able to actually wreck something. To be fair, I was going to replace that Workshop anyway (it was near Seville and I haven't finished remodeling the landscape around my newly-conquered previously-Spanish lands yet), but I am going to give Montezuma such a pinch.

Shortly after that, two towns and a mine are caught in a volcanic eruption.

Keeping on good terms with your vassal states keeps them your vassal states.

The Great General I got for free by discovering Fascism pulls aside a Rifleman and gives him one hell of an intense boot camp of training, for +20 experience points.

Look at all those promotions! And with a Warlord leading them, these guys will always promote into the next available unit upgrade for free. In this case, they upgrade from Civil-War-era Riflemen to WW1 Infantry.

I hope to squish you by the end of this game, so I'll pass.

Where do you get Uranium? I don't have an Anium.

Treasures, texts, and artifacts from who? I'm the only one who's ever settled this land. And how are they teaching us how to fly?

Biology is kind of a pain to discover, since I carefully plan out how much food each city gets, and the extra bonus from every farm means I often have to replan it all.

It also unlocks a National Park, which negates health concerns from overcrowding.

They're woefully underdeveloped but I take them anyway, giving them a build queue that will probably last until the end of the game.

Corporations are founded by Great People, so now that I have one (that isn't General or Spy) I start poking around to see what I can do with him. I found Creative Constructions in Poverty Point. I think that consumes the nearby Marble, making it unavailable to the nation as a whole, but all the stuff that is quickly built with Marble is done already.

Windmills and Watermills generate extra money, and I can build Broadway.


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Like religions and Missionaries, cities with a corporate presence can train executives to spread the corporation to new cities. I send a CreateCon Exec down to Mound City, consuming that source of Copper. Which is fine, we've got plenty more.

Slavery lets you rush things by whipping people to death, Universal Suffrage lets you rush by paying people extra money. The Kremlin reduces the rush cost somewhat.

Health has been a problem pretty much everywhere for the whole game, so a new building to help ameliorate that is nice. That's the Hospital I'm talking about, not the Sid's Sushi corporation I have highlighted in this screenshot.

And here's a quest related to my new corporation. I have to get a source each of Stone, Marble, Copper, Iron, and Aluminum within my own national borders. I lack Stone and Aluminum at the moment, but haven't yet discovered the Industrialism tech that reveals Aluminum in the first place. I could be swimming in the stuff and not know it yet.

Here's the only source of Stone on the entire continent, right in the middle of Celtic lands. Time to gear up for war!

What, are you criticizing me for going to war with a neighboring nation for corporate interests? Like that ever happens in the real world!

What? Hell no.

The Celts are at war with Ethiopia already. Perhaps I can leverage this to my own benefit.

What, are you criticizing me for ruthlessly exploiting conflict between nations to feed my own corporate interests? Like that ever happens in the real world!

Mental note: Even if you out-espionage all your neighbors, it's easy to get away with wrecking their shit via spies without them figuring out who is responsible.


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Mound City gets even better at training troops. All cities, really, but Mound City is the best at it anyway.

Build airports, build airplanes.

I'd like to discuss kicking your ass.

I declare war on Montezuma. As my vassal, Isabella declares war on Montezuma. As Montezuma's master state, Boudica declares war right back on us.

Of course, being the one to declare war means I had the chance to amass all my troops right at the border and waltz right in.

Rocketry lets you build exactly what you'd expect: cruise missiles, ICBMs, and a space program.

Neat thing about having a giant metal tower is you can stick a radio antenna at the top. Free broadcast towers everywhere! I can't even build broadcast towers myself yet.

dum de dah

With a Military Academy, Mound City can crank out troops faster. The Heroic Epic they built a while back does the same thing, and I'm pretty sure they effects stack.

Hey, my actual goal! Parts of the Celtic nation!

It's a lategame Wonder (it requires Radio), but it basically replicates a leader attribute by negating the Anarchy from switching civics or state religions.

Why a statue of Christ the Redeemer matters at all to a Hindu nation is anybody's guess.

Broadway generates the "Hit Musicals" luxury.



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Allows the building of Three Gorges Dam, which provides factory power to the whole continent. Which is awesome.

As I'm attacking my next Celtic city, the Spanish sneak in and raid it right out from under me.

Bam, no more Aztec state.

Destroyers are awesome. They're the fastest unit in the vanilla game and I'm pretty sure they haven't been outdone. They're strong and can bombard coastal cities.

Hmm. I can have a slightly more varied diet, you have the ability to build ships and tanks. GREAT IDEA how about not.

And now we're moving into previously-Aztec previously-Aztec now-MINE territory.

"I Wrote This Song on a Dixie Cup" turns into an international hit, providing an extra luxury item, itself amplified by the Broadcast Towers I've wondered all over the place.

The Celts took Camulodunum back, so I took it back back.



Straight into their capital!


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While I was busy attacking a city, the Spanish snuck in and took it over before I had a chance.

And with that, no more Aztecs.

Destroyers are crazy fast, really strong, and capable of bombarding coastal cities. They're also good at murderizing Celtic galleons.

Let's see. I get a slightly more varied diet, you get the ability to build tanks and gunships and choppers and stuff. So... nope?

Now we're taking over cities that used to be Aztec before they were Celtic.

"I Wrote This Song on a Dixie Cup" becomes an international hit.

Celtic capital: mine.

Meh. Torch it.

Great. Money.

The Celts took their capital back. The nerve! So I took it back back.

Yes, this voiceover has Leonard Nimoy saying "Beep" four times in monotone.

Got a Great Merchant, so I'm sending him across the ocean to make me some money.

Another one burned to the ground.

Th... that status line...




...oh. Boudica capitulated to Zara, and we're not at war with him.

Anyway, our armies are forcefully thrust out of Celtic lands, most of them to nearby Bibracte.


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Guess I'll switch back to peacetime civics.

I conquered a nation and a half, millions died, countless atrocities committed... but I got a little bit of money, so it's all worth it.


Provides electrical power to every city on the continent, boosting the effectiveness of all Factories.

This obsoletes both the University of Sankore and the Spiral Minaret, so in one turn my research and income both go straight down the toilet.


We've been to the moon. Our next goal: ALPHA CENTAURI

Everyone, get on it.

This is new. But there are a few techs and wonders that aren't strictly "modern".


pew pew pew

In vanilla, you automatically win when you construct the spaceship. In this version it's possible to launch a half-completed spaceship once you have a few crucial parts installed, although you're likely to not actually make it if you're missing some parts. I suspect you're not guaranteed to win even if you do build them all.

Gives me any techs known by two other nations. I'm well ahead of everyone else on the tech tree, but it's worth building because there can be only one and now no one else can have an Internet.



Arabia built the United Nations, so now every leader gets to put in votes for the Secretary-General.

And it's me, partly because I'm bigger than any other nations and get the most votes.

Wilbur Wright helps crank out the Space Elevator.

Putting forth the vote for a Diplomatic Victory might well lose me the game, since a few people are a bit miffed at me now that I've conquered a few friendly nations without provocation. I settle for a nuclear nonproliferation treaty, just to make sure no one feels like building the Manhattan Project and nuking me later.

Doubles the production speed of the few remaining spaceship parts.


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And once you're done with everything the devteam could plausibly imagine, you get "Future Tech". Each level grants +1 happiness and +1 health to all cities.

That's the last engine! Launch that bad bitch!


Now all I have to do is not get completely overwhelmed in the next ten turns while the warp drives take my colonists to Alpha Centauri.

No sweat!


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I get a quick overview of the major events of history in a slideshow. The part where the bright-green Aztec nation vanished and got replaced by my brown cultural borders was pretty great.

And the five best cities in the world? Totally mine.

And that's the end. Of this game!

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Next game: Deity - Marathon.


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Sometimes it is best for me to not put things up to vote. Ideas like that are why.
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