Excerpts from the Personal Journal of Artemis Blatt, Mayor of Freehill
52nd Day of the 4th Season
Year of the Spotted Wombat
Following the earthquake, King Bartholomew took a personal interest in the village's reconstruction. He visited the town often, offering a generous amount from the royal coffers to aid in the effort. The villagers were pleased to see him return so often. He seemed to take personal pleasure in giving out warm clothes and food; I'd never seen him smile so widely or so frequently.
In a personal meeting with him just last week, the King made an exciting proposal; he wishes to build a new courthouse in Freehill. The construction would bring workmen, which would bring business, which would, in turn, cause Freehill to prosper, in both the short and long terms. I gave his proposal to the council, who accepted readily.
The King seems even more excited than I. He intends to begin the construction within the month.
23rd Day of the 1st Season
Year of the Chocolate Vulture
The completed Courthouse towers over the town square. It is more impressive and extravagant than I could have imagined it might be. Though nobody says anything in public, I've received more than a few complaints from Freehill's original residents. The intricate gargoyles have frightened some children; the Courthouse's shadow blocks all of the inn's sunlight, which Jeffrey blames for his wife's distraction; the sheer size of the thing makes the people feel anxious. I confess that I've had my reservations, but I simply remind the villagers of the King's extreme generosity in our time of need.
The King himself did not abandon us once construction was completed; indeed, he spends more time in the village than ever. I spot him often, around or inside the courthouse, feeling the walls with his hand. I don't mind his presence, but I am curious about his purpose.
The first trial begins next week.
16th Day of the 3rd Season
Year of the Chocolate Vulture
I recall a time when the country's legal process was more involved. I can't imagine that it still is; the King's soldiers bring in new convicts several times a day. They all look like unsavory characters, to be sure, but I'm uncomfortable with the sheer number of them entering Freehill.
One thing does confuse me: where do they all go? I haven't seen a single convict leave the Courthouse on his way to prison. Nor do I see any form of interment, nor do I smell ash in the air. They simply go inside and vanish.
Many of the local children have taken ill. Their parents ask me what is to be done... I have no solution. King Bartholomew spends most of his time here now, overseeing the Court proceedings. I am a slave to his agenda; likewise, Freehill is forfeit to his whim.
54th Day of the 3rd Season
Year of the Chocolate Vulture
This is my final entry. I am interred in the Courthouse, awaiting my own trial. I do not know my crime; I asked the soldiers who arrested me, and they merely muttered something about a dungeon.
What dungeon?
I was present in town during the entirety of the reconstruction. No dungeon was built in Freehill.
What has the Mad King done to my village?
Your characters begin in the Courthouse, awaiting your own trials. You may have committed a crime, but not necessarily. Over the past few months, you've noticed that many people have been hauled away. They rarely take the poor or the weak; the strong or the wise are being carted away, one by one. Nobody knows what becomes of them.