Mostly I'm just angry at myself for surely disappointing you, Bongo.
In fact, I can it all very clearly in my mind's eye. You're staring wistfully at your computer screen, your bright eyes darting around as they take in the latest Vampires Vs Werewolves X: Millennium Waltz post. You come to my response, and then your once hopeful expression takes a turn for the crestfallen; the girl who was surely the closest thing you've come to a protégé has sniffed at your breadcrumbs, then thrown them over her shoulder. Even the light around you seems to dim, as if photons themselves could feel your frustration.
You shake your head in dismay, in disappointment, nay, let us say betrayal. I am a visionary in a land of blind fools, you mutter sadly to yourself. I have woven a narrative tapestry so frail that a child could unravel it, but does she see the trail I have laid out before her? Aye, a cart and four could pass through there, but lo, she diverts off the path into the treacherous forest within, never to return lest I retrieve her. Forgive her Father, for she knows not what she knows not.
That's a pretty shitty reference to Luke 23:24, you telepathically and helpfully explain to your narrator, since she's kind of silly and stupid and probably wouldn't get it.
The scene changes. You are standing atop a softly sloping hill where a funeral has just concluded its grim ceremonies. The other parishioners have dispersed but you remain, a sad, lonely figure in a vigil of the intellect. A soft wind disturbs the newly covered grave as well as the pile of hats you have so meticulously arranged above your noble brow. You close your eyes to the setting sun, letting loose a handful of dried rose petals you've pulled out from an inner trenchcoat pocket. If only you begin
hey wait what the fuck WolfFriend Kayma brings up a damn good point. Friend was in the bag, you didn't have to reveal yourself at all, why the fuck did you have to spell it out for us you genius dickhole let us wallow in ignorance until at least tomorrow. If you are fronting for someone else you are a dumb fronter. Friend is right, though; I would bet dollars to dickhole donuts you're Dracula or a vampire who's sexin' Dracula and you have good info on Kayma and are trying to front as a PI you stupid dickhole I WON'T BE DECEIVED THIS TIME!!!