Or, to be less retarded:
Who do you think the ringmasters of that bandwagon are?
Do you think there are enough unknown wolves to protect kazz?
Do you think the vampires got off all of their turns before losing their MV(P)s?
Do you really think Kazz is a wolf, or that I think so? For one, vampires happen to be the only ones with the numbers to orchestrate a rescue bandwagon. It is entirely possible that Nex is the only werewolf left - I looked back through the last couple of Wolfpire games, and the last comparable-sized game that Friday ran had four wolves by the end of the game, including the turn. We can be certain that Cornell has not been found, at least by Team Jacob. We've already killed three dogs. Nex is the last leg, figuratively speaking here.
I don't know what kind of turns the vampires managed to get off, but I do believe they're public enemy number one, as they're still almost assuredly the larger bad base. Also, all the cards are on the table - with Nex being probably the last wolf alive, they don't have anything to fear with night kills, and Niku's dead too, so. I don't know if Soma's ability would have gone off ... if Frocto, our Drac 2.0, was also Olrox, he'd be listed as such, right? Olrox, also Drac Harder?
I guess the problem is, is that the only innocent seer-type has unreliable information, and there's not really a good way to test his, uh, innocence without lynching him over it. We don't have a way of confirming someone else and then
highly suggesting that Bongo accept that person's bid that night; if he's been vamp'ed then another vamp could quite easily give a false positive.
I am probably incoherent with this two days of no sleep. What I would like to see, though, is something like a suspicion list from each player, over every player. It doesn't have to be a Talking Time-esque digest, but we do need to start laying down some cards. We're into day six, we should have inklings about some people already.
Player apathy loses games! @.@