Kotaku, pretty much all of Gawker media, and even Polygon, which apparently is 90% kotaku writers, are sensationalist pieces of shit who's sole purpose is to drive pageviews. They are everything wrong with games journalism - and journalism on the whole - boiled down to it's core. When everyone else raised an eyebrow at the hyperexaggerated designs of everyone, Kotaku's opening volley was "THEY REALLY NEED TO STOP LETTING TEENAGE BOYS DESIGN THIS SHIT."
No, fuck you. You are a gigantic piece of shit, and you are a terrible writer, a terrible journalist, and a pathetic little human being. You are that kid in class, desperate to impress girls, so you blindly hate what they hate. You do this because it stokes the entire bullshit argument without ever actually trying to make progress, or god forbid, foster discussion beyond bile and hatred. You do nothing but perpetuate the idea that it's a "hot topic" that you can "never discuss." Of course you don't want it discussed, that's one less hot button issue for you to generate basic page views.
I see nothing wrong with Dragon's Crown. Full stop. Everyone in there is fantasy tropes turned up to 11, and I'm okay with that context. I don't believe George Katamari thinks all women are like that. It'd be foolish, given, well, the entire context. But that doesn't generate bullshit, does it? No, taking something out of context, screaming how awful and sexist it is does.
What if I fucking want to parade around like that? What if on the character select screen, that's exactly who I want to play? A woman so stoked with magical power she can dress however damn well she pleases and still incinerate everything around her? On a second note, what's wrong with flaunting it if you want to? I've played in many pen & paper games, and on more than one occasion I've played a female character who dressed like that, explicitly because she wanted to flaunt it. One was an assassin! There's a basic fantasy trope, dress to distract!
The problem comes when, in context, the woman is a tool, and nothing else.
Here's an interview with a game developer where in the same breath, we have "The protagonist is a female because it's a marketing move" "It's not really a game for girls anyway" and "The reason we have the male assistant hero is because women drag men everywhere, am I right?" There's something to be fucking offended by. And the guy doesn't even imply it, he sits there and says it straight out.
But no, that takes thinking, that takes reading, that takes a lot more effort than posting a picture of boobs and screaming so hard your adams apple vibrates.
To elaborate on my post above: Constantine, please stop posting. Your type is absolutely fucking toxic to this discussion, because there is absolutely no hope of compromise, and no possible ideal that maybe,
just maybe, the issue is deeper than "Men are pigs, women are victims." Women can be just as fucking awful about this issue as men can, they can be discriminatory towards men, they can capitalize on the issue for financial and personal gain, and they can blindly cling to the extremist side of the issue, ignoring any hope of meeting in the middle or actual compromise, because it's easier to assume 100% of one side is right than stop and think that maybe,
just maybe, you're buying into some bullshit.