Most people seem to overlook that she says, from the outset, that it's okay to enjoy these things. Hell, in this one, she practically goes out of her way to say that the people who make these games and the people who enjoy them or not bad people, even going so far as to state in no uncertain terms that she does not think these games make monsters, but that it's important and rewarding to take a critical eye to the media we consume. There is no mistake about it, she thinks video games are A-OK, but that doesn't excuse a lot of the regressive plot elements that are put into games without thought on the part of the creators. The fictional Anita who is super angry, wants to ban all the games and thinks men are all rapist exist only in the heads of people who can't get past the initial feminist critique.
While the outright hostility and harassment of Anita is real (and not just her acting like a damsel,
as some misogynistic dickbags on these very forums would claim), it's not nearly as problematic as the people who might concede that yes, women's portrayal in games might be lacking, but then do everything they can to try and silence any deeper debate. This usually makes presents itself as people trying to critique external or minute details about the videos, rather than have any meaningful discussion about her main point. Trying to nitpick minor details of interpretation of game plots, long treatise about her interpretation of the roles of characters that she spent less than half a minute addressing in the video, or complaints that because she doesn't allow comments that she is somehow silencing the debate.
Whether you agree with her 100% or not, that does not change the fact that she has seen something in gaming - but not endemic to all of gaming - that is problematic, and is determining to talk about it. You can either take a dismissive, arrogant tone and assume that she is just wrong wrong wrong, or you can understand that she, and women and men like her, really feels strongly about this.
Also, she
dared say anything critical about Ico, so I expect gamers to be UP IN ARMS to try and take her down on that 30 seconds of commentary.