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Author Topic: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!  (Read 38443 times)

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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #360 on: April 09, 2013, 04:42:30 AM »

What you'd expect to be another hallway of the Cygnus is instead the Manhattan shopping mall. The dev room connects a bunch of maps in a non-Euclidian space, so you know, whatever. A Kylin did it.

Tsuji: People in our office just love me! Ahhhhh! Probably because I'm the youngest woman in our department!

Gnome: I don't even wanna hear another word about Saga for a long time.

I know that feel, bro.

Gnome: Let me just sleep!

You guys are awfully damn proud of that prison.

Master Asano: I knew you would finish the game! I knew we would meet one day!! But bye for now!!

...all he did was fly up to the next level.


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #361 on: April 09, 2013, 04:46:00 AM »

One of the shops has been replaced by the street in Shrike.

Bo: . . . . .Hey, it was a damn laugh riot in Japanese!

Fei-On: Especially when you're getting killed by a deadline!? See you again.

Jun: Hi, my name is Jun. What's yours?



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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #362 on: April 09, 2013, 04:58:55 AM »

Seer: Let me hypnotize you so that you can get a good night's sleep. What? You need to study tonight? Who cares?

Woman: ...the park. I just hope Shuzer didn't kidnap them.

If that wasn't a joke, it wasn't worth taking a bow over. Then again, Orlouge's floozies never did it, so maybe they're just showing off some otherwise-unused animation.

Shinichi: I am Shinichi. I'm the dude who drew all these cool characters in the game like Red, Blue, Lute, you name it!

Player characters? Annie, Captain Hamilton, Doll, Mesarthim, Rei, White Rose, and by canon/technicality T260.

Otani: ...actually made it here. How did you like T260? Ain't he the coolest?


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #363 on: April 09, 2013, 05:05:14 AM »

Not Wearing A Hat: I designed some of the backgrounds for the battle sequences. Look what I drew!

You're given a tour of some battle backgrounds. The Roomba provides "clever" commentary.

Thus begins a lengthy, pointless battle sequence.

I'm skipping it because it takes nearly 20 screens to give some hollow platitudes.

Hiraishi: I just completed the ultimate robot attachment. Wanna try it out?

Hiraishi: I got this from our good doctor's office.
Red: Did you get permission? You'll be in trouble if he finds out.
Hiraishi: No problem! All right, switch on!

A Virus appears, alters the robot's programming code a bit, and then you get thoroughly beaten down.

Ha ha! Hilarious.

The fortunetelling thing is even longer and dumber. Now you understand, yes?


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #364 on: April 09, 2013, 05:15:23 AM »

This guy gives another tour of battle backgrounds.

If Blue takes Space magic, this is the sort of background you fight Kylin in. I think. His own room doesn't look like this, so maybe there were supposed to be monsters in Kylin's labyrinth that never got put in.

Takai: ...but just like at their factory, they always blame me whenever something goes wrong. I tell you, one of these days, POW! Right in the kisser!

This one starts an actual fight with a MegaTitan, which looks like Berva as he appears in the Shingrow arena (with the mask on). It's a long, tedious fight with no reward for winning and no penalty for losing, because hey, you already finished the game, right? Why not have a couple ultra-powerful enemies where beating them is its own reward?

Oh, that reminds me. I never fought the AbyssBat optional superboss. Oh well.


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #365 on: April 09, 2013, 05:21:50 AM »

Akao: Thank God it's over. Now we can fool around for a couple of months. . . . . . . . . . . But!!!!... there's still some work left.

Ito: Since you made it this far, I'll play my best tune for you!

He changes the music from this:
MUSIC - SaGa Frontier - Robot 2

To this:
MUSIC - SaGa Frontier - Riki (in music room of 2nd Div.)

Man, I don't know.

He's a SFX test.

Saito: Right, like they're really going to listen! Hey, couch potatoes! Why don't you go out and get some exercise for a change!?

That might not be the best lecture to give in the developer room of a game that has you grind seven times more than other games, chief.


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #366 on: April 09, 2013, 05:34:20 AM »

Tony: Ah yes. Robots and ships.

Mondo: If they weren't scary enough, it's my fault, but it's not my fault that some bosses are incredibly hard to beat. Remember, I'm the monster graphic designer, Tomoyuki. Want this?

"This" is a fight with one regular BlackFighter, two upsized black dragons, and two extra-strong red dragons.

He takes the form of Gargantu so you can fight the guy who planted mushrooms in rabite heads. :shrug:

Hey, regular rabites. Look at that.

Okaniwa: As the ex-champion of all Mystics, I designed many monsters you fought. How did you like them?

Hasegawa: The monsters in this game have many attack moves. So to enjoy them fully, choose "Defend" to see what they will do in different circumstances. Ready?

You then fight Shuzer, same as before. He reminds you not to forget about Berva and Alcarne.  :nyoro~n:


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #367 on: April 09, 2013, 05:46:45 AM »

This QA room is pretty small, with only a handful of people, so I'll post Matsuoka's battle scene. Let's not speculate too much on how the scene is probably the same whether the player character is a man, woman, animal, or inanimate object.



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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #368 on: April 09, 2013, 05:55:35 AM »

Virgil's throne room!

You can battle Orlouge, Master Ring, or Spriggan on this side...

Diva, BossX, Genocide Heart, and Hell's Lord on this side. In case you want to try a different party against any given final boss, like having Asellus' all-mystic party take on the Diva or Riki's monster horde battle Genocide Heart. (They'd probably get slaughtered! I like this idea.)

Some guy: Did I mention I was starving? I can't even get through the game. Now I gotta call the help line to find out how to beat this thing. $4.99 per minute? Where am I gonna get that kind of money!?
Some guy: The father of Saga: Tomoki Anazawa

Koichi: Any words to our players? Mumble, mumble...

It's the toughest fight in the game, a powered-up MasterRing.

My very own Mana Tree? I wouldn't know what to do with it... I guess I'd give it to Lyrai.

Anyway, fighting this thing without special preparation is like accidentally running into Emerald Weapon with a submarine.

Some of those games are the ones I did before I started this LP to check that everything worked. Except for a couple of graphic glitches during Riki's cutscenes and a handful of sound bugs, yeah. Hence the LP.

And that's all! Anytime you finish a scenario with all seven scenarios completed in your system data, you get whisked to the Devroom. If I felt like grinding up a boss-killer party I'd come back and take on the seven scenario bosses all in a row, ending with Master Ring... but I don't!

The end!


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #369 on: April 09, 2013, 03:19:09 PM »

And then he lists off his QA staff, which I can't imagine anyone reading this cares enough about for me to transcribe here.

Nobody cares about those guys.  Nobody.

It's a developer's room! I don't think Squeenix does this kind of thing much anymore; the novelty wore off around the time Chrono Trigger did it.

I've probably mentioned this before, but Crisis Core had a developer's room that you'll never, ever see.  Among other things it featured a disturbing cry for help from the lead programmer.

EDIT: Silly me, of course somebody found it by accident.

Final Fantasy Crisis Core - Bug/Error Room (Cuarto De Error)


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #370 on: April 09, 2013, 03:46:47 PM »

Nobody cares about those guys.  Nobody.

There wasn't a Brenton on the list he recited! Unless one of you guys is secretly Stan "The Man" Ng, the exact names aren't going to pique anyone's interest enough to be worth typing them out. It's basically reading out of the phone book, for Chrissakes.


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #371 on: April 09, 2013, 05:02:09 PM »

It's basically reading out of the phone book, for Chrissakes.
The perfect LP!


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #372 on: April 10, 2013, 12:02:15 AM »

I had a thought that this would make an acceptable-to-decent episodic game. Spend a bunch of time/resources upfront crafting the world, and then populate it with playable stories, released one at a time, each learning from the previous' mistakes, expanding the focus little by little, and benefitting from the same amount of effort. You could even get a chronology out of it so you don't get this seven-stooges-squeezing-into-one-door nonsense where the stories can't coexist in the same canon and some of them get so budget-shafted that there's practically nothing to them. (Or, in the case of the cut IRPO story, literally nothing.)

Well... I say that, but... I don't know if it'd make the whole thing any better. I mean, the game could pass for the result of a competition to throw together as many clichés as possible. I did like a couple ideas here and there, especially that thing with Despair existing primarily to hold its own head warden captive, but in the end, even that one seems like it's too clever not to have been ripped off from somewhere else.

Anyway, valiant effort putting that one together dude. Great read!


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #373 on: April 10, 2013, 01:14:39 AM »

Were it released today, I could see this as two or three stories in the retail release, with several pay-to-download stories acting as expansions.

At least that way each story could get some polish. What is Cube?


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Re: Plots to Make Fun Of: Seven of 'Em! -- Let's Play Saga Frontier!
« Reply #374 on: April 10, 2013, 01:54:09 AM »

Let's pretend that it's...

I can't tell if that would make more or less sense.
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