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Author Topic: Election 2008  (Read 63118 times)

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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #360 on: October 14, 2008, 02:16:18 PM »

SimCity presupposes that greener energies are fundamentally better and that cities are stable enough systems that you can influence them through legislation in a reliable fashion.
I'm not sure that's a prominent conservative idea.

On the other hand, the Sims presupposes that: all life takes place in the California suburbs; promotions are based on a meritocracy; and part of that meritocratic system involves being a "friend" to those who might promote you.

I guess it's a mixed bag.

On the other hand: higher education is paid for by the state; and "ghey" sex is not contagious (unless you put in a hack).


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #361 on: October 14, 2008, 02:25:13 PM »

Gist of the ACORN scandal

Well, to be fair, even this article has to admit voter registration fraud is part of Acorn's MO. And it makes no mention of claims that Barack not only worked for Acorn but hired some of its workers to aid his own campaign. I think the whole thing is malarkey, because as the above quote points out, voters registered != votes for X candidate. I still would like to see some followup on the media's claim of Barack's direct involvement in the organization and a list of names of people hired from their ranks along with positions held in both campaign groups.

The idea behind Acorn is intrinsically shit. They hand poor folk money in exchange for their help pushing propaganda. It amounts essentially to buying their attention and having them repeat talking points, which is brainwashing, in my opinion.

Politics suck. I almost wish you guys played Fantasy Football instead. Almost.


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #362 on: October 14, 2008, 02:28:26 PM »

Yeah, but...isn't McCain a raving socialist by your standards too?

Everyone is a raving socialist by my standards, Thad. You know that.

What surprised me the most about the Wright-McCain connection was that Wright, whose games have for years promoted what we'll call "progressive" attitudes*, would get behind a candidate whose campaign is so thoroughly invested in race-baiting, war and oil. That's not to mention that McCain is at least a supporter of creationism in the classroom, if not himself a closet creationist. That the creator of SimEarth and Spore, games of which the central theme is evolution, would get behind McCain is a pretty jarring notion.

*Classic beat me to the punch in clarifying this point. Thanks!


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #363 on: October 14, 2008, 02:31:02 PM »

a candidate whose campaign is so thoroughly invested in race-baiting, war and oil.

I get the war and oil, but race? Citation needed.

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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #364 on: October 14, 2008, 02:36:22 PM »

Seen on a car in the Fred Meyer parking lot 15 minutes ago:




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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #365 on: October 14, 2008, 02:37:56 PM »

Gist of the ACORN scandal

Well, to be fair, even this article has to admit voter registration fraud is part of Acorn's MO. And it makes no mention of claims that Barack not only worked for Acorn but hired some of its workers to aid his own campaign. I think the whole thing is malarkey, because as the above quote points out, voters registered != votes for X candidate. I still would like to see some followup on the media's claim of Barack's direct involvement in the organization and a list of names of people hired from their ranks along with positions held in both campaign groups.

The idea behind Acorn is intrinsically shit. They hand poor folk money in exchange for their help pushing propaganda. It amounts essentially to buying their attention and having them repeat talking points, which is brainwashing, in my opinion.

Politics suck. I almost wish you guys played Fantasy Football instead. Almost.

Am I the only one who finds it fucking hilarious that republicans are making a big deal about voter registration fraud? I'm sorry, guys, but you fuckers made that shit up long before we ever even tried it.

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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #366 on: October 14, 2008, 03:22:50 PM »

I get the war and oil, but race? Citation needed.

Have... have you payed, like, any attention at all to the last few pages of this thread alone?

Follow up question: are you fucking serious?


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #367 on: October 14, 2008, 03:25:37 PM »

Not ah, not familiar with the history of voting fraud. Say what about it now?

Creator of SimEarth and Spore, games of which the central theme is evolution...
Spore pretty clearly supports """intelligent" "design""".

Is it true that adding more quotes adds more disdain? I hope it is! :slow:

Follow up question: Do you mean to imply that Palin's bid is somehow distinct from McCain's and that the man himself has not been engaged in it?


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #368 on: October 14, 2008, 03:48:08 PM »

Spore pretty clearly supports """intelligent" "design""".

Haven't played it, and from the reviews, I probably never will. I understand that the way the game represents evolution is severely flawed, but from what I read, that was still supposed to be a big part of the game. That's not so?


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #369 on: October 14, 2008, 04:03:51 PM »

I get the war and oil, but race? Citation needed.

Have... have you payed, like, any attention at all to the last few pages of this thread alone?

In the past two pages of this thread there have been exactly two references to race:

Quote from: Thad
Obama pals around with terrorists and doesn't see America the same way we do

is != "Thinks black people are a problem/Uses race to gain ground in the election."

And in another reference to race, Iron Mongrel posted a video of P. Diddy declaring that there are no black people in Alaska. It sounds like P. Diddy believes race IS an important factor in politics.

So... yeah. Citation still needed.

Follow up question: are you fucking serious?



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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #370 on: October 14, 2008, 04:19:13 PM »

That's not so?
Your impression is no doubt correct. I can just guarantee some mad net YEC arguing that spore somehow proves ID somewhere that I will see it and my brain will explode. It's been doing that a lot. I think I need a new one.


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #371 on: October 14, 2008, 04:21:47 PM »

Spore pretty clearly supports """intelligent" "design""".
I made a penis beast!  It attacks creatures by humping them vigorously!

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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #372 on: October 14, 2008, 06:05:32 PM »

In the past two pages of this thread there have been exactly two references to race:

You know, that's really fucking irritating. Yes, I exaggerated. Thank you for proving that exaggeration wrong. I thank you for your astuteness.

Quote from: Thad
Obama pals around with terrorists and doesn't see America the same way we do

is != "Thinks black people are a problem/Uses race to gain ground in the election."

Yes. Because everything politicians say and do is isolated in a vacuum and bears no manner of subtext whatsoever. That one old woman just happened to come to the utterly random conclusion that Barack Obama is an Arab all on her lonesome.

And in another reference to race, Iron Mongrel posted a video of P. Diddy declaring that there are no black people in Alaska. It sounds like P. Diddy believes race IS an important factor in politics.

... and P. Diddy is important to the discussion because... ?

Follow up question: are you fucking serious?




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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #373 on: October 14, 2008, 06:32:23 PM »

Spore pretty clearly supports """intelligent" "design""".

Haven't played it, and from the reviews, I probably never will. I understand that the way the game represents evolution is severely flawed, but from what I read, that was still supposed to be a big part of the game. That's not so?

Well yeah, evolution is the entire point of the game.  You start as a piece of sea plankton and eventually become a galaxy-conquering empire.

That the creator of SimEarth and Spore, games of which the central theme is evolution, would get behind McCain is a pretty jarring notion.

Jokes aside, I can't even begin to pretend that every Republican is a creationist.  That's like saying every democrat is an atheist.  It's something the pundits on the opposite side would like you to believe, but most people are much more moderate in their views.

I would be more surprised with the availability of homosexual relationships and adoptions in The Sims than the idea of evolution in a couple of his games.  But again, we have no idea why he likes McCain, it's possible he was tricked by the "Maverick" persona and donated before Palin was chosen.
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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #374 on: October 14, 2008, 07:15:01 PM »

Stepping back a little further, though, The Sims is a series best-known for, among other things, making homosexuality an easily accessible and completely judgement-free lifestyle choice.  In fact one could go so far as to say The Sims 2 was one big plate of sausages with a side of tossed salad.

Then again, Wright's doing pretty well for himself, so he's more than likely fallen into that category of upper-middle class Americans who don't seem to realize that the top 1% of the nation does not even come close to including them.  That or he really doesn't support McCain, but since his finances are so incestuously tied to EA's that the books make it look like he does.

Or, if you really want to be silly, Wright's hoping that the conservatives will start banging on violent video games again, boosting the sales of his own titles.  Or... something.


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #375 on: October 14, 2008, 07:16:13 PM »

Considering the effects of taxation in SC2K, I'd think it's more likely that Will Wright leans libertarian.  :wat:
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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #376 on: October 14, 2008, 07:17:46 PM »

That or he really doesn't support McCain, but since his finances are so incestuously tied to EA's that the books make it look like he does.

Surprisingly, perhaps, it turns out that EA's CEO donated to Obama.
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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #377 on: October 14, 2008, 07:23:54 PM »

Activision CEO Bobby Kotick among those sending thousands to McCain

God dammit.  I felt guilt-free about this for A YEAR and then this happens.


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Re: Election 2008
« Reply #379 on: October 14, 2008, 09:21:46 PM »



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