A: I am afraid there are dinosaurs still alive.
B: They will not be able to withstand the cold. They will perish soon.
C: I would be more interested in the white two legged creature living in the West Continent. They are defeating the mammals trying to evolve. I am so scared!
Deltadium are readily edible, but not worth much EP.
You can go over the mountain or through it.
Inside Mt. Snow are some bull Ikustega.
Tritops: difficulty, leave us alone!
And... Tritops. Yeah, those were post-midboss enemies in the last chapter, but they show up before you have much of a chance to evolve here.
But here's the thing. The lower level of this cave is littered with platforms, and the Tritops can't hit you unless you're on the same level they are.
But you can hit them! Here I am showing off a Mammal's kick attack, as a mouserat bucks its tiny back feet into the ass-end of a Triceratops. Somehow this causes actual injury. To the dinosaur.
Tritops are still worth 90 EP each.
Guess that means it's time to review evolution options! Cat, Dog, and Fierce Jaws just give bite power -- Fierce Jaws are the best in the game, setting your Bite to 20. The rest give less Bite power in exchange for other things: Rabbit Jaws give extra Agility and Jump, Horse Jaws give even more Agility and Kick, Hippo Jaws give Strength and Kick, and Rhinocerous Jaws give Strength and Kick. Kicking is something Mammals are supposed to be good at, I guess.
If you get Rabbit Jaws, any Back of the Head evolution you have is replaced by bunny ears.
Horns. Same stuff. Each level is +5 more horn power.
Extending the neck is a cheap option, and since it has no direct effect on your stats, it's a good go-to for when you're low on HP.
Rabbits are good at jumping, Horses are good at kicking, and Rhinocerouses are built like a tank but lose Agility and Jump.
And the
Ramothecus body is a
, but if you follow that Wikipedia link you can damn well guess what it's for. But it's greyed out now, I can't select it.
The Mane adds +5 to Bite. All the others are linear progression to HP, Strength, and Defense. The Bull Horn is the best, at +5 HP and Strength and +7 to Defense.
But the Mane is a cheap +5 to my basic attack, and makes me look like an adorable little lion! Awww!
Grr! Rawr!
The Y button on the SNES is your go-to bite attack. The X button is the "eat" button. When an enemy is defeated, the meat it drops floats up to your mouth level -- but if you have a long neck, you lunge forward with your bite attack and miss your meal. Pressing the Eat button doesn't move your head at all, so it's more convenient than using the bite attack to eat meat.
Or you can jump up and eat it. Or not ever grow your neck out. You know, whatevs.
Dog Jaws and Horse Body. Guess I'm done here.
The last area of the cave has some porcine creatures in it. After eating a glut of Tritops they're not worth the effort to kill.
Wow, that was a long post. Serves me right for doing all my evolving in one of the longer levels in the game.