Only green dot left is Domain of Hynodon.
But the ice wall is gone.
Yeti: Ah, who are you? How did you get in? I've got it. The big explosion from the sky broke the ice entrance. That was a big one! I am Sir Yeti. I rule the Ice World using the power of the crystal. I become angry with weak Mammals who try to become strong.
Oh, no problem then. I haven't been remotely weak since Mt. Snow.
Yeti: You seem to be different.
Well, like I said.
Well, that escalated quickly.
Sir Yeti relies on a leaping punch to attack. It has crazy-high priority, so the fight is actually quite difficult -- you can't just bite or kick him out of his attack pattern like you can with pretty much every other creature in the game. It's especially challenging if you're trying to take decent screenshots too!
Eventually Sir Yeti starts presenting. Man, I don't even bend that way. Not that there's anything wrong with that, I guess, but dude.
Why you? Maybe genocide of every other living thing is only okay if you're a player character.
Sir Yeti: ...happened to the power of the crystal? Junior....!
Beat it, kid, or I'll eat you too.
Sir Yeti: I couldn't believe there existed such a strong creature in this world. This was my mistake.
Any tragedy that may have ever existed in this scene is wiped out by Junior Yeti's goofy eye take.
Oh, uh. Hey. What's goin' on? Not much here, certainly not eating any yetis, no sir.
Yeti Mother: I am afraid... I can't forgive you for defeating my husband. This time I will defeat you! Geee....
Between her hand-clap attack and her stunlocking frost breath, Mother Yeti is one mean... uh, mother.
Throw in the screen capture thing and, well... it takes me a couple of tries.
Victory is mine!
Kid, I don't even care.
Repeat yourself all you want, not even three tenths of a single fuck is given.
Gaia: It has been painful but you must see the real world.
Painful? My entire existence revolves around turning every animal and plant I see into poop. I have been personally responsible for the genocide of countless species already. One hairy kid getting teary-eyed doesn't even faze me.
Gaia: Even if you had not defeated the Yeti, I believe they would have been beaten by a stronger power.
You forget one important detail: ain't nobody stronger than me.
Gaia: Let us move forward. This is the only way you can go.
Hey, trees.
Yeah, good call not resetting me into a new form again. I'm about sick of that.