The pub in Poft is mostly deserted, but Cid is still here, reaching over the barkeep's corpse for a fresh bottle now and then.
So hey, about this Dreadnought thing.
Cid: Do that, and you can bring down the whole overgrown tub. Airships are powered by
Sunfire. I'm sure the Dreadnought's no different.
Cid: Let the flames get too high, you got a runaway on your hands. The engine'll blow sky high.
That's... actually pretty helpful. Hey, Hilda...
Hilda: Its flame still burns on the ground floor of Kashuan Keep. Scott and Gordon have told me many stories concerning the flame. The finer points of the tale are not known to me. However, I seem to recall that the flame cannot be passed to just any torch.
Firion: Cid told us that we might be able to use Sunfire to destroy the Dreadnought!
Hilda: Then there's no time to waste! You must depart for Kashuan Keep at once. If you hire Cid's airship, the journey should not take long. That leaves only one question. What can you use to bring the Sunfire back?
If Hilda doesn't know, there's only a handful of other knowledgeable NPCs around to ask. Scott's dead and Gordon's been missing for weeks, so that narrows things down even further.
Minwu: During the festival, the Sunfire is passed to Egil's Torch while its brazier is cleansed.
King Tietra: Scott sealed the gates of Kashuan Keep to protect the Sunfire in the event they were defeated in battle.
Fat damn lot of good that did, since the Empire got enough Sunfire to run their Dreadnought anyway.
King Tietra: You will need the Goddess's Bell to break the seal. The whereabouts of the bell are known only to the Kashuan royal family.
Minwu: Gordon would know where the bell is kept, but I have not seen him lately. Someone close to Scott or Gordon may know where to find it.
Hilda: I've heard Scott and Gordon mention the bell. The gates of Kashuan Keep open only the the voice of a Kashuan or the ringing of that bell. The bell rests deep within a cavern on the snow plains. It will not be easy to retrieve. So it is your intention to enter the snow cavern? Very well. If only Gordon were here, there would be no need for you to risk such danger...
Yeah, go figure. The one time we actually need the chicken-wuss around and he's already chicken-wussed off somewhere else.
Hilda: But he isn't, so you must. There is nothing I can do but pray for your success. Josef knows the snow plains like the back of his hand. You should seek his counsel.
One moderate hike later...
Josef: I keep the snowcraft hidden in the mine. There's a blue stone on the first floor that marks the spot. Look behind the stone and to the right. The secret room's there, and the snowcraft is inside. I'm sorry I couldn't help you find the mythril. So I want to make up for that by pitching in now. What are we waiting for? Let's go!
Josef doesn't have a character class, but if he did, he'd be a monk.