Know you're just being glib, but it does bear noting that the reason the Republicans aren't talking about immigration anymore is that they've suddenly realized Latinos can vote.
Can't find it at the moment, but a few weeks back Obama was running an ad on Spanish-language TV stations highlighting insulting things that Republicans have said about Mexicans over the past several years, that included more than one Rush Limbaugh soundbite. Rush responded by posting an op/ed in the WSJ basically crying about how he'd been taken out of context and he was totally joking when he said all those things.
Essentially, the Republican Party was banking on the fact that Latinos are largely blue-collar, religious, and socially conservative, and thought those things would outweigh the whole "blaming them for everything that goes wrong in this country" thing. Latinos were one demographic -- like women -- that was supposed to go to McCain after Clinton lost the nomination, but didn't.
The Cuban population's still largely Republican, and obviously is important in Florida (when my friends asked rhetorically why Jeb Bush was so clearly flouting international law in the Elian Gonzales case back in '00, I shrugged and responded that it was an election year; they responded that it wasn't going to win anyone any elections -- looking back, it was almost certainly one of many factors that put Bush in office), but the Latino population as a whole is skewing heavily Democratic this year, and if the Republicans don't get their shit together it's likely to stay there in the future.