Hi, I'm Frocto. You may remember me from such LPs as
Let's Play Exquisite Knorpse and
Let's Play Exquisite Knorpse 2. Well, sometimes two Knorpses aren't enough and a good, hard man deserves a good, hard Knorpse, so we've got the hardest one yet to play around with. It's been a long time coming, but thanks to the efforts of some very wonderful and talented people, it's here! #wow #woah
I decided to do something a little different this time around, hopefully it won't suck! I'd like very much to livestream some gameplay on a Justin.tv account I've set up just for this, and, MUCH more importantly, recruit you wonderful people to come along and chat to me on Skype while I'm playing. This is for two reasons: First, since I'm under the impression this game is a total dick to the face that I'm going to die a lot in, I'd like to have some chatter going on to distract the viewer of the LP from how bad I am at the game. Second, Knorpse has been going for a long time and it's a big part of our history, I'd love to dig in to that. If anyone who worked on this actual game could join the Skype calls and offer insight on their or other people's areas, that would also be incredibly awesome! Keep in mind I
don't mean telling me how to beat stuff, I don't want a single spoiler!
Anyway, I'll be finalizing the details up soon, but here's the basic idea of how this is gonna work!
1. You guys will Notify yourselves of when this thread has been updated, so you'll receive an e-mail when I post in it.
2. I'll post in here or say something in #finalfight when I spontaneously decide to start streaming. Fuck setting a time/date, seriously. If we can get people to come watch, that's great, otherwise I will go it alone!
3. If there is need of a Skype call, someone other than me will set it up and manage it while I'm playing, so you can add people on the fly as we play, since I'll clearly be focussed on saving the Juni kingdom and all.
I'll probably be doing something midway through this week, between Tuesday and Thursday... I figure this will either be awesome or terrible, but probably good television either way!