Music: Relm's themeOwzer: Oh, thank you... That picture's worth more to me than my own life!
Relm: ...Really?
Party: So... what was a monster doing in that painting?
Owzer: I guess I should start at the beginning. I'd been looking at this lovely stone I'd bought at the auction house... All of a sudden, I was overcome with desire for a painting of Lakshmi. I had a few different artists try to paint it for me, but none of them really gave me what I was looking for. It was right around that time that I heard about little Relm. I brought here straight here and set her to work. But then that thing came along and possessed her painting... It must've been lured here by that stone.
Party: Where's the stone now?
Owzer: Oh, the stone? It's over in that bookcase.
Owzer: Whatever it is, I sure don't need it anymore. If you want it, you can have it!
Lakshmi is better than Seraph, but not as good as Phoenix.
Oh hey, I never described what Phoenix did. Phoenix teaches Curaga, Raise, Arise, and Reraise, then tops it off with Firaga. Summoning it is effectively a Phoenix Down on the entire party.
Lakshmi teaches Cure, Cura, Curaga, Regen, and Esuna, and does most of those
fast: Cure is x25, Regen and Esuna are x20, and Cura at x16. But at this point in the game Cura is showing its age and almost everyone knows Esuna from Seraph already, so teaching Curaga at x1 (compared to Phoenix's x2) is kind of a letdown. When summoned, Lakshmi heals the entire party's HP. Her level-up bonus is Stamina +2.
Anyway, blah blah Owzer blah blah painting blah blah Relm joins the party hooray.
So we're off to this Cult of Kefka tower we passed by earlier, with Relm in tow.
Music: The Fanatics. Check out those digitized voices!
Hey, is that... Strago?
Relm: Grandpa, you idiot! What were you thinking?
Strago: Oh, Relm... I was sure you were...
Relm: Did you really think I was gonna check out before you, you old geezebag!?
Strago: Oh, you're as foul-mouthed as ever, bless your heart!
Relm: Come on, Grandpa. You're coming along with the rest of us!
Strago: All right... Guess I can't be leaving everything up to you whippersnappers!