My pet theory is that the total lack of official commentary on a Shirt of the Week Club means that something big is in the works -- like an action figure club. My other theory is that [spoiler]now that we have this conspiracy on our hands, they're actually going to do something with ORB. Before now, I assumed that it was never going to be referred to again, just another element of the show meant to troll the viewers. Like the moppets.
It's been a while since I've rewatched season 3, so this is all vague conjecture. OSI and the Guild of Calamitous Intent are new organizations, right? Relatively new I mean, not like the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen-style Guild that old timey Venture and Oscar Wilde were in.
Nevertheless, the new groups both trace back to the Guild; a Venture is present, they enforce order, but also held the seeds of great villainy -- Tesla and the Avon ladies attacked the Guild blimp, after all. Unless there's room for a new, formerly unmentioned secret society, that's where my money is.
On the other hand, I may just be setting myself up for 8 episodes of Bud Manstrong.
Also this episode: Venture's time machine is mentioned. It could just be a throwaway reference to Return to the House of Mummies, Part II or a comment on Venture's decorating habits. I'm not so sure though, especially in light of the fractured chronology that we saw. Chekov's gun and all that.[/spoiler]
What was up with Brock's eyes? They've never been straight up blue like that. Every shot they were blue. Is that supposed to signify how his eyes are wide open now or something?
No, it's kind of an intentional mistake. I got so peeved that somehow Brock, who had always had blue eyes in the show, somehow lost his blue eyes in the model revisions we made last season and I didn't catch it till all the animation was back. So we gave him his baby blues back, and we kind of overdid it a little...but also sometimes things don't always get drawn great overseas.
Just because it's unintentional though, doesn't mean it isn't symbolic.