23:22:29 <+Aoko> Brentai, is it possible for you to fit a volleyball inside your anus?
23:22:48 <@Squizzle> Does it have to be inflated?
23:23:12 <+Aoko> In his ass, yes. He can deflate it, then insert it, then reflate it
23:23:18 < Brentai> I think my ass might be in danger.
23:24:33 <+Ridley> it is
23:25:21 < myew> Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha
ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! It is to do is take those cleaning products
and clean the inside of the questions (i forget what it is.
23:25:45 < Brentai> ...
23:25:54 <+Ridley> laff
23:26:05 * Brentai protects his ass from myew's cleaning products.
23:26:16 <+BongoBill> Brentai, there were some suspicious-looking men with guns and one of them
dropped this polaroid of your ass
23:26:38 < Brentai> Shit shit shit I'm gonna call my ass up and tell it to skip town.
23:26:50 < Brentai> Look see I'm calling it now on my cell phone.
23:27:12 < Brentai> Hey, ass. Ass! Listen, ass, you gotta... no, fuck, I didn't pick up any
goddam Listerine, just LISTEN TO ME.
23:27:38 < Brentai> Ass, they're onto you. No, not in a good way. Yes. No. Yeah, like, ALL the
way through. Uh huh. Okay. Yeah, I'll tell her.
23:28:02 < Brentai> Just... take care, okay? You're my favorite ass. ... .... ...I uh...
23:28:10 * Brentai hangs up hurriedly.
23:28:30 * Brentai screams in pain as his ass rips itself off his body and bounces out the door.
23:29:03 * Brentai passes out from severe blood/ass loss.
23:29:44 < Brentai> THE ARISTOCRATS!
23:31:34 * BongoBill applause.